47 teams and a huge number of players represented handball at the Masters Games in Sweden.
2008 European Masters Games
Handball was one of the sports at the 2008 Masters Games in Malmö from 4 – 7 September 2008. 47 teams arrived in Sweden to play in the four different categories. With so many teams and players, handball had the second highest number of athletes to compete at the event after track and field.
At the end of the tournament EHF top representatives, Tor Lian, Jean Brihault, Ralf Dejaco and Michael Wiederer handed over the awards for the medallists and players.
women 33+
1. Budapesti Angyalok (HUN)
2. Frederiksbergs IF (DEN)
Best goalkeeper: Nevija Sindaravicius (ERRA / LTU)
MVP: Márki Éva Görbéné ( Angyalok / HUN)
women 43+
1. Lessz Vigasz (HUN)
2. Gladsaxe HG (DEN)
Best goalkeeper: Bánthi Ferencné (Lessz Vigasz / HUN)
MVP: Pia Ranneris (Gladsaxe / DEN)
men 35+
1. Slovan Veterani (SLO)
2. KIF Team OB (DEN)
3. Odense Old Boy’s (DEN)
Best goalkeeper: Andrey Topolovec (Veterani / SLO)
MVP: Lars Schor (Odense / DEN)
men 45+
1. Russia
2. Ukraine
3. Italy United
Best goalkeeper: Mykhaylo Siacukin (Ukraine)
MVP: Vladimir Valachovic (Martin / SVK)