Women's handball goes science
(This is the live blog for the 2nd EHF Scientific Conference in Vienna. Make sure you refresh this page (F5) and/or clear your browser's cache (ctrl + F5) to always read the latest news)
13:07 hrs
Certificates are being awarded, and this marks the end of the EHF Scientific Conference 2013 in Vienna. We thank all participants for their enriching studies and remarks on 'women and handball' and hope to see you again next time.

12:53 hrs
Our Twitter followers comment on the discussion when young handball players should start participating in regular competitions
12:48 hrs
And the final presentation of the EHF Scientific Conference 2013 is underway

12:31 hrs
12:24 hrs
11:57 hrs
How to organise competitions in youth handball the best possible way? That's the next topic presented by Pedro Sequeira, member of the EHF Methods Commission, at the Scientific Conference

11:49 hrs
Female coaches are in general better educated than their male counterparts. However, a study conducted in Slovenia by Marta Bon showed that in 2012 out of 725 handball coaches only 53 were women
11:35 hrs
Slovenia's women's national team head coach, Marta Bon, is next with a presentation on 'Handball and Gender Differences', focussing in particular on the coaching profession
11:22 hrs
We are underway again. The EHF Scientific Conference continues
10:54 hrs
For the break, here are some impressions of the second day's first half at the EHF Scientific Conference

10:49 hrs:
Coffee break at the EHF Scientific Conference in Vienna. We will be back at 11:20 hrs

10:32 hrs
More statements on the idead of a smaller ball size in women's handball. Most viral discussion from EHF Scientific Conference to date
10:01 hrs
Discussion on ball size in women's handball continues on Twitter
9:40 hrs
Juan F. Oliver Coronado's and Patricia I. Sosa's presentation on the need for change in ball size in women's handball ends with a very clear statement

9:26 hrs
First comments on ball size come flowing in
9:26 hrs
9:17 hrs

Spanish researchers now present a study on the 'need and proposal for change in the size of the women's handball ball'
What do you think? Does it make sense to introduce a new ball? Join the discussion on Twitter, using #ehfsc
9:06 hrs
Since 2010 the Polish Handball Federation in cooperation with the EHF runs a summer camp for U15 girls. But: 'There should be more summer handball camps focussing specifically on girls' says Dr. Wolfgang Pollany.
8:48 hrs
First presentation puts referees on the spot. What is the minimum fitness level required for high level handball refereeing? Discuss the topic on Twitter using #ehfsc.
The average distance referees cover in a match is about 5.5 kilometres according to a Portuguese study.
Saturday 23 November, 8:36 hrs
Good morning, everyone! Day 2 of the EHF Scientific Conference is about to start. We are ready to roll. First topics this morning: 'Live Exertion Evaluation in Elite Handball Referees' and 'Numerical Superiority Defensive Zone: An approach to an active dimension'
19:19 hrs
Poster presentations concluded the first day of the 2nd EHF Scientific Conference on 'Women and Handball'. We will be back tomorrow - here and on Twitter @EHFMedia. Look out for #ehfsc.

19:02 hrs
18:55 hrs
Insightful graphics about coaching process

18:49 hrs
Some wise words about coaching: "The coaching process is about enhancing performance by providing feedback about the performance to the athlete or the team" (Mike Hughes)
18:18 hrs
A shout to our most active Tweeter this afternoon, Pedro Sequiera, member of the EHF Methods Commission
17:43 hrs
Interesting tweet from Craig:
17:25 hrs
The conference participants have split in two groups and we are now live at the second #ehfsc venue. Next topic: 'Tracking multiple handball players using multi-commodity network flow for assessing tactical behaviour'.
Well, here surely goes the award for the conference's longest presentation title :-)
17:01 hrs
Check out this slide from a presentation of Marta Bon, head coach of Slovenia's women's handball team, at the EHF Scientific Conference and you get an idea of how many factors influence sport performance

16:33 hrs

The Scientific Conference continues. First new topics: 'The optimal weight for a female handball player' and 'Characteristics of effort in playing handball with different types of defenses in girls aged 10 to 12 years'.
Share your thoughts and opinions on Twitter @ehfmedia. Hashtag your tweets with #ehfsc
16:08 hrs
We have entered a brief coffee break and will be back refreshed and with more at 16:30 hrs
15:50 hrs
Start prophylactic training to best prevent knee injuries in handball early. Scandinavian medical researchers suggest to start at the age of 12
15:30 hrs
Brief impression from the medical symposium at the conference. Interesting findings on injuries in women's handball and how to best prevent them.

15:14 hrs
Attendance is large at the 2nd EHF Scientific Conference, dealing with 'Women and Handball'. The EHF welcomes 100 participants

15:07 hrs
Finally! Technical problems solved. We can start. Make sure you also follow us on Twitter @EHFMedia or look for #ehfsc!
12:52 hrs
There are currently some technical problems. We hope to start our coverage soon.
11:45 hrs
Welcome everyone to our live coverage of the 2nd EHF Scientific Conference. To get in the mood and for an overview of all of today's presentations have a look at our Scientific Conference preview
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