NEWS REPORT: Agreement for partnership in handball education signed at the end of April
EHF joins forces with University of Las Palmas
The European Handball Federation and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria have forged a strong partnership for the further development of handball on the academic as well as practical level.
Over the next two years – with a possible extension for another two years – the university will provide technology support in the field of handball education and cooperate with the EHF and its Competence Academy & Network (CAN) in the evaluation and certification of EHF educational courses, in particular the EHF Master Coach courses, in accordance with the European Education Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
"I think our cooperation with regard to the evaluation of the EHF’s educational courses by the ULPGC, especially the EHF Master Coach courses, could be a milestone for all parties involved," said Helmut Höritsch, the EHF’s senior manager responsible for education and development.
"This will facilitate the process and help sport in general and handball in particular to find its way into the academic certification in terms of the EU ‘Bologna’ terminology and ECTS."
Some of the next steps over the next few months include the provision of teaching material for referees and delegates at the Men’s 18 and the Men’s 20 EHF European Championships in Poland and Austria, the development of IT and web teaching tools for mini handball and ‘handball at school’ in 2D and 3D technology, a ‘match situation analysis tool’ and an integrated online management programme for handball clubs.

Strong partnership (from left to right): Conrado Dominguez Trujillo (Manager ULPGC), Jose Regidor Garcia (Rector ULPGC), Helmut Höritsch (Senior Manager EHF), Miguel Angel Betancor Leon (Education Department ULPGC)
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