UPDATE #3: Summary of abstracts published
Ahead of the EHF Scientific Conference, which begins on Thursday, 21 November, a full detailed description of all topics covered during the two-day conference can be read here.
UPDATE #2: Programme of the EHF Scientific Conference revealed
The European Handball Federation, the Union of University Handball Teachers (UUHT) and the German Sport University Cologne are teaming up to stage the 5th EHF Scientific Conference ‘Handball for Life’ on 21-22 November 2019.
With two weeks to the start of the event the organisers have revealed the detailed programme of the event which can be downloaded here.
The English-language conference brings together professional and scientific experts to reflect on various aspects of professional handball, and also to further gather knowledge about medical aspects of the sport.

This year a special emphasis will be put on grassroots handball to underline that interest in sport should be initiated at a very young age and does not necessarily need to end at a higher age.
There will also be focus on topics related to coaching and related to medical treatment, injury prevention, rehabilitation, nutrition and mental treatment, relating to both indoor and beach handball.
A PDF leaflet with all relevant information can be downloaded here.
Social Media coverage
There will be extensive social media coverage throughout the conference. Updates on the event (like live interviews with the participants) will be posted on the EHF CAN Facebook page, and on the EHF Media Twitter account.
Everyone can get involved in the online discussions through the official hashtag, #ehfSC.
Participants are encouraged to be active online in the build-up and during the event and by doing so spreading news of the conference to a wider audience.
Furthermore, all presentations will be live streamed on the EHF CAN YouTube channel.
Find more relevant information including the venue of the conference, the list of hotels with a contingent of rooms for participants and the payment information here.
NEW The full version of the third announcement can be found here.
NEW The map of the venue can be downloaded here.
The detailed guidelines for the submission of articles can be found here.
EHF / ew