Three continents represented among European Handball Manager course graduates
A total of 16 participants were presented with their European Handball Manager certification on Friday in Cologne, having completed the course started in July 2018. The 2018/19 cohort was the first to see participants from three different continents take part, with the USA and Australia represented alongside participants from Europe.
The course has welcomed some well-known names since its inception, and the 2018/19 class was no different. Club Manager for VELUX EHF FINAL4 2019 participants Telekom Veszprém HC, Zsolt Sevinger, took part in the course this year, along with the team manager for Women’s EHF Champions League side CSM Bucuresti, Nicolae Luca.
After his club, Györi Audi ETO KC, claimed their fifth Champions League title earlier in May, Director of International Relations and Communication Tamas Szabo completed the course and received his certification on Friday. Former Swedish international, now manager of the IK Savehof women’s team, Hanna Fogelström, was also one of the course participants this year.

About the European Handball Manager Certificate Programme
The European Handball Manager Certificate Programme is a one-year in-service training programme that covers the basics of economics, management, governance, law, marketing and communication. The programme is offered in German and English in alternating years.
The course is conducted in cooperation between the German Sport University Cologne and the European Handball Federation. It was first run in 2015, with the goal of educating handball managers from clubs, federations and leagues. In January 2019, the EHF and the University signed an agreement to continue the cooperation until at least 2021.
Since 2015, 73 participants have been accepted to study and 89 per cent have successfully completed the course.
The next class will begin their studies on 1 June 2019. Applications can be submitted until 30 April 2019.
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