First cross-border SMART agreement signed in Monaco
The city state of Monaco played host to a premiere in the history of handball development this week, as the first cross-border SMART project was signed between the federations of Monaco (FMHB), France (FFHB) and Italy (FIGH) as well as the European Handball Federation.
Over the next three years, the EHF will financially contribute to the 'Levant 06' project, an initiative launched in 2007. Spearheaded by the club of A.S. Monaco Handball, a 'union of clubs' was formed to foster the sport of handball in the French 'departement' Alpes-Maritimes.
What started with two clubs then, has now developed into a group of ten clubs, located in France as well in Italy. Teams were built consisting of players from several of the clubs involved, with these teams becoming knows as 'Levant 06' on the regional level.
With the support of the EHF as well as of the other three federations involved, two new job positions shall be created to increase the number of licence holders for the club members of 'Levant 06', to support the monitoring and implementation of development actions and events on different levels, to accompany the involved clubs in training, as well as administrative management and supervision and to detect potential players and assist in their further development.
"The aim of SMART projects is to create a platform for sporting development with the involvement of the national federations, the authorities and the EHF," said EHF President Michael Wiederer on the occasion of the contract signing.
"I would like to thank the Handball Federation of Monaco for two things at the same time: Organising this event, which brings together people who are ready to support the sport, and for the their contribution to this starting point: the initiative for a cross-border SMART project."
Signing on behalf of the federations were Claudia Cellario (FMHB President), Eric Perodeau (Vice President FMHB), Joel Delplanque (FFHB President) and Pasquale Loria (FIGH President).
Several high-profile guests were present at the signing ceremony, including Patrice Cellario, Interior Minister of the State of Monaco, and Yvette Lambin-Bertini, Secretary General of the Olympic Committee of Monaco.

Signing the SMART agreement (from left to right): Eric Perodeau (Vice President FMHB), Michael Wiederer (President EHF), Claude Cellario (President FMHB), Joël Delplanque (President FFHB), Pasquale Loria (President FIGH)
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