NEWS: Read the full outputs following the end of the ONSIDE project, which involved a number of leading sports federations, including the EHF

The EHF’s involvement with the ONSIDE project – an initiative that aims to research and define the concept of sport officiating in Europe – officially came to a close at the end of 2020.
After the final part of the project came to a close, the EHF, based on the outputs and topics addressed during the ONSIDE project, has developed a plan and framework for the internal EHF procedures in respect of the EHF official’s education and recruitment process.
The EHF’s support of the European Union-funded project continues today, with the promotion of the outputs of the project which have been published online.
The ONSIDE final outputs have been professionally designed and can be downloaded from the library section of the ONSIDE website.
They form the following sections:
- ONSIDE Occupational Descriptor
- ONSIDE Occupational Map
- ONSIDE Functional Map
- ONSIDE Occupational Standards
- ONSIDE Handbook of Training Modules
- ONSIDE Guide to Sustainability and Quality Assurance Strategies
To access the library click here.
European Handball Federation