30.06.2011, 05:10
Science and Analytical Expertise in Handball

Third announcement of the 1st EHF Scientific Conference in November 2011.

Science and Analytical Expertise in Handball Conference

The EHF and the Union of University Handball Teachers (UUHT) are holding a Science and Analytical Expertise in Handball (Scientific and Practical Approaches) in Vienna from 18-19 November 2011 as part of the 20th Anniversary celebrations of the EHF.

The goal of the Conference is to bring professional and scientific experts together in order to describe and formulate problems of modern handball on all organisational levels and forms (male/female, youth, beach handball, street handball, disability handball) and to bridge the gap between science and practice in handball.

For all the organisational details regarding the Science and Analytical Expertise in Handball (Scientific and Practical Approaches) Conference (Third Announcement) please click HERE (.pdf).

The official language of the Science and Analytical Expertise in Handball (Scientific and Practical Approaches) conference is English and it will be held at the following venue:

Austria Trend Eventhotel Pyramide
Parkallee 2
A-2334 Vösendorf

Telephone +43 (1) 699 00
Fax  +43 (1) 699 00-692
Website http://www.austria-trend.at/eventhotel-pyramide
Email  eventhotel.pyramide@austria-trend.at  

Financial Conditions

All participants will bear their own expenses for travel, accommodation and meals.

Accommodation Support

The participants are free to choose accommodation in or around Vienna in the vicinity of the conference venue, but if support is needed, offers can be provided by:

Mundivision Reisebüro GesmbH
A-1030  Wien / Vienna - Auenbruggergasse 2/16

Telephone +43 (1) 7121981
Fax  +43 (1) 71219819
Website www.mundivision.com
Email  handball@mundivision.com

Participation Fee

The participation fee is EUR 50 is subsidised by the EHF. Members of the Union of University Handball Teachers do not have to pay any participation fee.

The EUR 50 participation fee consists of:
• Admission to plenary and parallel sessions
• Publishing selected articles
• Proceedings of the Congress
• Conference material (programme, conference print documentation)
• Certificate of participation
• Coffee or tea during the break

Payments should be made to:

European Handball Federation
Hoffingergasse 18, A-1120 Vienna

Telephone +43 1 80151 0
Fax  +43 1 80151 149
Website www.eurohandball.com
Email  office@eurohandball.com

Bank Account Bank Austria. Bank Code: 12000, Account No: Nr. 00640 000 204
IBAN: AT46 1200 0006 4000 0204, BIC: BKAUATWW
DVR 0856371  ZVR 263489108  UID/VAT ATU 38516405

Guidelines for Articles and Presentations - Oral or Poster

Accepted articles will be published in the Science and Analytical Expertise in Handball (Scientific and Practical Approaches) conference documentation.

All articles sent after 15 September 2011, that do not comply with the formal requirements listed in the guidelines or sent without payment confirmation will not be accepted.

The publication of an article is included in the participation fee. If you are not able to attend the conference, please note that publishing one article will cost EUR 30, two articles EUR 40 and three articles EUR 50.

To view the full guidlines for articles and presentations, please click HERE (.pdf)

Key dates for the Science and Analytical Expertise in Handball (Scientific and Practical Approaches) Conference

30 June 2011

Abstract admission and information to the authors
(after the EHF abstract admission 56 oral and 17 poster presentations by authors from 17 countries in three sections - Humanities, Natural Sciences, Training and the Game - are planned)

15 September 2011

Deadline for participation fee payment (registration)
Deadline for full text article submission for conference documentation

18 November 2011

Science and Analytical Expertise in Handball (Scientific and Practical Approaches) Conference - Day 1

12:00 - 13:50 Accreditation
14:00 - 15:00 Opening and Keynotes (Plenary)
15:10 - 16:30 Three Parallel Sections (15:10-15:30-15:50-16:10)
16:30 - 17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 - 18:20 Three Parallel Sections (17:00-17:20-17:40-18:00)
18:30 - 19:00 Poster Presentation

19 November 2011

Science and Analytical Expertise in Handball (Scientific and Practical Approaches) Conference - Day 2

09:00 - 10:40 Three Parallel Sections (09:00-09:20-09:40-10:00-10:20)
10:40 - 11:10 Coffee Break
11:10 - 12:50 Three Parallel Sections (11:10-11:30-11:50-12:10-12:30)
13:00 - 13:30 Final Section Discussion
13:35 - 14:00 Closing (Plenary)

For further information please contact the Conference Secretariat, Helmut Höritsch.

European Handball Federation (EHF), Hoffingergasse 18, A- 1120 Vienna, Austria
Telephone  +43 1 801 51 155
Fax   +43 1 801 51 149
Email   hoeritsch@eurohandball.com
Website  http://www.eurohandball.com


Content Copyright by the European Handball Federation and EHF Marketing (c) 1994-2025