15.12.2015, 04:40
New headquarters for Serbian Handball Federation

Official opening of the new office of the Serbian Handball Federation held in Belgrade.

New headquarters for Serbian Handball Federation

The Serbian Handball Federation opened its brand new offices on Monday, 14 December 2015 in the presence of invited guests including the State Secretary, Predrag Perunicic, the President of the Serbian Handball Federation, Velimir Marjanovic, and the EHF Secretary General, Michael Wiederer.

Speaking at the event, the EHF Secretary General, Michael Wiederer wished the Serbian Handball Federation the best of luck in their future work and added: "It is a great honour to be present here because the Serbian federation is a good friend of the EHF and we share many good sporting memories. I am sure this partnership will continue and the federation’s new offices will provide a good basis for the future.”

Although not able to be present himself due to commitments at the Women’s World Chamnpionship in Denmark, the EHF President, Jean Brihault congratulated the federation on the opening of the office.

He said: "I want to congratulate you on achieving the great goal that Serbian handball can afford its own space, which will not only contribute to giving the national federation a stronger identity but also provide better working conditions.

“Not only are you one of leading federations in Europe, but you have proved your loyalty and support many times to the EHF. The organisation of the Women’s EHF European Championship in 2012 when the EHF was faced with a difficult situation is just one example of our good cooperation.”

Bozidar Djurkovic, Secretary General of the Serbian Handball Federation, said: “We’ve been waiting for this house of handball. It has been the dream of many generations of handball players, presidents, secretaries general and those involved in the sport.

“The federation was founded in 1949 and now after 66 years we have finally realised this dream.

"I am extremely proud that, though our own means, we have finally been able to secure a space in which to welcome all former and future young and former handball players, handball players and those working in the sport. This house is not only for the present but also for the future.”

TEXT: Serbian Handball Federation / EHF / jjr

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