en European Handball Federation http://www.eurohandball.com Handball stories, news and interviews Thu, 13 Mar 2025 01:05:34 GMT Thu, 13 Mar 2025 01:05:34 GMT www.eurohandball.com Content Copyright by the European Handball Federation and EHF Marketing (c) 1994-2025 office@eurohandball.com European Handball Federation http://www.eurohandball.com 0 0 Goluža to leave Zagreb´s bench at the end of the season http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016646/Golu%c5%bea+to+leave+Zagreb%c2%b4s+bench+at+the+end+of+the+season After one year on two chairs Goluža will leave the team of Croatian champions to focus solely on the national team. Tue, 02 Apr 2013 16:14:01 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016646 02.04.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016646 ECA confirm the result of Zagreb vs Minsk match http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016498/ECA+confirm+the+result+of+Zagreb+vs+Minsk+match EHF Court of Arbitration decided about a compensation for HC Croatia Osiguranje Zagreb Thu, 14 Mar 2013 12:05:35 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016498 14.03.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016498 Radivojević delighted with Flensburg move http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016495/Radivojevi%c4%87+delighted+with+Flensburg+move Partizan Belgrade winger eager to hone his skills in the German Bundesliga after an excellent season Wed, 13 Mar 2013 16:00:12 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016495 13.03.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016495 HC Croatia Osiguranje Zagreb file claim http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016432/HC+Croatia+Osiguranje+Zagreb+file+claim Croatian club to contest appeal decision with EHF Court of Arbitration Mon, 04 Mar 2013 18:19:05 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016432 04.03.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016432 Baur to coach Schaffhausen next season http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016413/Baur+to+coach+Schaffhausen+next+season Former German international and world champion will take over Swiss champion, but will also remain coach of German junior national team Thu, 28 Feb 2013 15:08:14 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016413 28.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016413 Zagreb look to the future after group phase elimination http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016412/Zagreb+look+to+the+future+after+group+phase+elimination Despite their failure to reach the last 16, the future looks bright for the young team Thu, 28 Feb 2013 14:20:17 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016412 28.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016412 BLOG: Little duels; little jewels http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016395/BLOG%3a+Little+duels%3b+little+jewels ehfTV.com commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin reviews the last Match of the Week of the VELUX EHF Champions League Group Phase - Velenje vs. Kielce Mon, 25 Feb 2013 17:32:31 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016395 25.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016395 Facts and figures for the VELUX EHF Champions League Group Phase http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016393/Facts+and+figures+for+the+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+Group+Phase We give you all the major stats: Which team had the best attack, which team conceded the least goals, which teams qualified for the first time, and much more Mon, 25 Feb 2013 10:56:27 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016393 25.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016393 Chambéry, Metalurg and Füchse win last matches http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016390/Chamb%c3%a9ry%2c+Metalurg+and+F%c3%bcchse+win+last+matches Group Phase of the VELUX EHF Champions League is finished, now all Last 16 participants focus on the draw on Tuesday. Sun, 24 Feb 2013 21:04:53 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016390 24.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016390 León in, Montpellier out, Hamburg first http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016387/Le%c3%b3n+in%2c+Montpellier+out%2c+Hamburg+first German team eliminate French champions for the first time since a decade from the second round, while Ademar jump for joy after beating Partizan Sat, 23 Feb 2013 20:50:50 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016387 23.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016387 Double joy in Hungary: Veszprém first, Szeged through http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016386/Double+joy+in+Hungary%3a+Veszpr%c3%a9m+first%2c+Szeged+through MKB win top duel against Madrid, while Pick take the profit of the clear Schaffhausen defeat at Zagreb Sat, 23 Feb 2013 19:26:41 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016386 23.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016386 Kielce beat Velenje to clinch the top spot in the league http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016385/Kielce+beat+Velenje+to+clinch+the+top+spot+in+the+league Polish champions won their first game in Slovenia and completed the clean sweep of the group. Sat, 23 Feb 2013 19:08:57 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016385 23.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016385 No easy opponents from now on, Gislason warns http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016384/No+easy+opponents+from+now+on%2c+Gislason+warns THW Kiel coach and captain sum up their performances in the VELUX EHF Champions League Group Phase Sat, 23 Feb 2013 07:13:55 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016384 23.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016384 Preview of ehfTV.com Match of the Week http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016379/Preview+of+ehfTV.com+Match+of+the+Week Can Vive Targi Kielce cross the finishing line with a clean sweep or will Gorenje Velenje manage to finish second? – The Polish club has never took a single point on Slovenian ground so far. Fri, 22 Feb 2013 14:15:25 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016379 22.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016379 'It is important for us to stay unbeaten,' says Zorman http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016378/%27It+is+important+for+us+to+stay+unbeaten%2c%27+says+Zorman Vive Targi Kielce's Slovenian centre back wants to end the group phase with a perfect record. Fri, 22 Feb 2013 12:56:07 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016378 22.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016378 Kristjansson joins Bjerringbro-Silkeborg http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016377/Kristjansson+joins+Bjerringbro-Silkeborg Icelandic international moves from the German Bundesliga to Denmark Fri, 22 Feb 2013 11:05:09 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016377 22.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016377 Celje make it to the Last 16, Sävehof out http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016375/Celje+make+it+to+the+Last+16%2c+S%c3%a4vehof+out Slovenian team win decisive encounter at Sävehof, while Barcelona take away victory in Minsk. Thu, 21 Feb 2013 20:37:40 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016375 21.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016375 EHF Court of Appeal decision released http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016373/EHF+Court+of+Appeal+decision+released EHF Court of Appeal releases decision regarding the appeal from HC Croatia Osiguranje Zagreb Thu, 21 Feb 2013 19:10:47 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016373 21.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016373 Flensburg at least second after last second draw http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016374/Flensburg+at+least+second+after+last+second+draw Like in Montpellier, Chekhovskie Medvedi gave a clear lead from their hands and finish third in Group A. Thu, 21 Feb 2013 19:02:23 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016374 21.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016374 BLOG: Will there be a sting in the tale? http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016368/BLOG%3a+Will+there+be+a+sting+in+the+tale%3f ehfTV.com commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin blogs before the last Match of the Week of the VELUX EHF Champions League Group Phase - Velenje vs. Kielce Thu, 21 Feb 2013 11:21:03 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016368 21.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016368 ‘This is the most important match of our season,’ says Stojanović http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016367/%e2%80%98This+is+the+most+important+match+of+our+season%2c%e2%80%99+says+Stojanovi%c4%87 Kadetten's Serbian right back speaks to ehfCL.com about the psychological side of the decisive clash in Zagreb Thu, 21 Feb 2013 10:49:30 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016367 21.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016367 Constanta out, Kiel can still hope http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016366/Constanta+out%2c+Kiel+can+still+hope Defending champions add some spice for the Veszprém vs. Atlético Madrid clash Wed, 20 Feb 2013 20:55:06 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016366 20.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016366 Send us your best handball story to win tickets to the VELUX EHF FINAL4 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016361/Send+us+your+best+handball+story+to+win+tickets+to+the+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4 Just 100 words are enough to get you to Europe's top club handball event Wed, 20 Feb 2013 14:39:06 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016361 20.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016361 'Our task is to defeat Kielce,' says Gaber http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016359/%27Our+task+is+to+defeat+Kielce%2c%27+says+Gaber Gorenje Velenje line player speaks to ehfCL.com ahead of facing Group C's unbeaten leaders in the Match of the Week. Wed, 20 Feb 2013 12:02:17 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016359 20.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016359 Goals and points, regulations and results http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016357/Goals+and+points%2c+regulations+and+results The competition maths before the last Group Phase Round of the VELUX EHF Champions League Wed, 20 Feb 2013 11:40:18 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016357 20.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016357 Preview of Round 10 of the VELUX EHF Champions League http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016358/Preview+of+Round+10+of+the+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League Three Last 16 spots and two Groups winners to be decided in the final matches. Tue, 19 Feb 2013 18:40:47 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016358 19.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016358 HC Croatia Osiguranje Zagreb launch appeal http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016354/HC+Croatia+Osiguranje+Zagreb+launch+appeal Following an unsuccessful protest, HC Croatia Osiguranje Zagreb have decided to appeal the decision of the EHF Court of Handball Mon, 18 Feb 2013 18:37:55 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016354 18.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016354 Post-match blog: Rebirth of champions http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016349/Post-match+blog%3a+Rebirth+of+champions ehfTV.com commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin blogs after the clash of titans in Kiel Mon, 18 Feb 2013 12:21:53 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016349 18.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016349 Montpellier catch-up chase ends in a draw http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016344/Montpellier+catch-up+chase+ends+in+a+draw Velenje and Medvedi give victories from their hands, as Madrid easily take a win - still three Last 16 spots to be confirmed Sun, 17 Feb 2013 22:09:48 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016344 17.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016344 Kiel end Veszprem series in more than style http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016340/Kiel+end+Veszprem+series+in+more+than+style Defending champions beat the previously unbeaten Hungarians by 32:21 and take brilliant revenge in the ehfTV.com Match of the Week Sun, 17 Feb 2013 20:53:59 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016340 17.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016340 Sävehof can still make it, Tønnesen believes http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016338/S%c3%a4vehof+can+still+make+it%2c+T%c3%b8nnesen+believes Gifted Norwegian right back is convinced, his Swedish team can take some points from Madrid and make it to the knock-out stage. Sun, 17 Feb 2013 10:47:05 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016338 17.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016338 Barcelona and Kielce group winners, Bjerringbro reach Last 16 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016335/Barcelona+and+Kielce+group+winners%2c+Bjerringbro+reach+Last+16 Danes celebrate first ever participation in the knock-out stage without playing, as Chambéry and St. Petersburg lose Sat, 16 Feb 2013 19:29:12 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016335 16.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016335 HC Croatia Osiguranje Zagreb protest unsuccessful http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016332/HC+Croatia+Osiguranje+Zagreb+protest+unsuccessful The EHF Court of Handball has confirmed the final result of the VELUX EHF Champions League match between HC Croatia Osiguranje Zagreb and HC DINAMO-Minsk Fri, 15 Feb 2013 20:37:56 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016332 15.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016332 Preview of the ehfTV.com Match of the Week http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016329/Preview+of+the+ehfTV.com+Match+of+the+Week THW Kiel face MKB Veszprém in the duel of the powerhouses for the top position in Group B. Fri, 15 Feb 2013 17:46:38 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016329 15.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016329 Nagy dreams about Barcelona in final http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016327/Nagy+dreams+about+Barcelona+in+final Veszprém's star right back speaks to ehfCL.com about his return home, his club's good form, and their aspirations for this season Fri, 15 Feb 2013 12:27:47 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016327 15.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016327 Seventh victory for Füchse Berlin http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016325/Seventh+victory+for+F%c3%bcchse+Berlin German team consolidate second place in Group D after clear win at Schaffhausen Thu, 14 Feb 2013 21:44:51 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016325 14.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016325 BLOG: Right back in the game http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016313/BLOG%3a+Right+back+in+the+game In his blog before the Round 9 Match of the Week of the VELUX EHF Champions League Tom focuses on left handers. Thu, 14 Feb 2013 18:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016313 14.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016313 Montpellier continue to struggle ahead of key games http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016322/Montpellier+continue+to+struggle+ahead+of+key+games The French club need to pick themselves up after facing Karabatic and Aix Thu, 14 Feb 2013 17:13:27 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016322 14.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016322 Flensburg too much to handle for León http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016319/Flensburg+too+much+to+handle+for+Le%c3%b3n Ljubomir Vranjes gets the better of Manolo Cadenas as the coaches renew old rivalry Thu, 14 Feb 2013 12:02:44 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016319 14.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016319 Flensburg take lead in Group A http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016317/Flensburg+take+lead+in+Group+A German club clearly beat Reale Ademar León on home ground by 27:22 Wed, 13 Feb 2013 22:16:22 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016317 13.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016317 Senjamin and Benjamin for Gorenje Velenje http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016315/Senjamin+and+Benjamin+for+Gorenje+Velenje The Slovenian champions have been busy in the transfer market, signing the Bosnian Burić brothers Wed, 13 Feb 2013 14:42:10 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016315 13.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016315 Narcisse: Titles are our philosophy http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016312/Narcisse%3a+Titles+are+our+philosophy THW Kiel's world handball player of the year talks to ehfCL.com before the ehfTV.com Match of the Week against MKB Veszprém Wed, 13 Feb 2013 11:09:44 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016312 13.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016312 Preview for Round 9 of the VELUX EHF Champions League http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016309/Preview+for+Round+9+of+the+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League Three more spots for the Last 16 can be confirmed in the penultimate round and three teams can secure first place in their groups. Tue, 12 Feb 2013 15:46:28 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016309 12.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016309 Veszprém and Kielce supporters win fan competition http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016302/Veszpr%c3%a9m+and+Kielce+supporters+win+fan+competition handballenergy.com competition winners awarded with 3,000 euro each Tue, 12 Feb 2013 11:33:37 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016302 12.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016302 Chambéry finally get points on the board http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016301/Chamb%c3%a9ry+finally+get+points+on+the+board The only team in the VELUX EHF Champions League without a point have put an end to their terrible run of form Mon, 11 Feb 2013 16:44:52 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016301 11.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016301 Technical issues during Eurosport coverage http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016299/Technical+issues+during+Eurosport+coverage Snowstorm means disappointment for German handball fans Mon, 11 Feb 2013 14:46:57 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016299 11.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016299 Croatia Zagreb protest after match with Minsk http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016298/Croatia+Zagreb+protest+after+match+with+Minsk The protest of the Croatian club refers to a situation in the first half. Mon, 11 Feb 2013 13:16:13 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016298 11.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016298 Simonet set for Montpellier switch http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016295/Simonet+set+for+Montpellier+switch Argenitinian international will leave Ivry at the end of this season Mon, 11 Feb 2013 11:38:57 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016295 11.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016295 Cleverly leaves Vive Targi Kielce http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016294/Cleverly+leaves+Vive+Targi+Kielce Danish international departs for Sweden, after almost four years in Poland Mon, 11 Feb 2013 11:02:56 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016294 11.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016294 Madrid make it to Last 16 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016288/Madrid+make+it+to+Last+16 Mixed French emotions: Chambery take first victory after seven defeats, while Montpellier stumble in Leon Sun, 10 Feb 2013 21:45:40 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016288 10.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016288 Berlin bring Barcelona to their knees http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016286/Berlin+bring+Barcelona+to+their+knees Füchse beat record champions of EHF Champions League in the ehfTV.com Match of the Week and cause first defeat of the Catalans in this season Sun, 10 Feb 2013 19:08:07 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016286 10.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016286 Cañellas still dreams about another trip to Cologne http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016283/Ca%c3%b1ellas+still+dreams+about+another+trip+to+Cologne One of the Spanish heroes from the recent World Championships believes that Atlético can make it to the VELUX EHF FINAL4 again. Sat, 09 Feb 2013 22:21:53 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016283 09.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016283 Velenje win hunter’s duel, while Veszprém and Kielce keep clean sweep http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016284/Velenje+win+hunter%e2%80%99s+duel%2c+while+Veszpr%c3%a9m+and+Kielce+keep+clean+sweep Clear victories for Hungarian powerhouse and THW Kiel, while Polish champion close to defeat – Minsk take Zagreb’s fortress Sat, 09 Feb 2013 21:26:40 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016284 09.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016284 Five WCh medalists lead Bjerringbro´s clinching mission to Chambéry http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016281/Five+WCh+medalists+lead+Bjerringbro%c2%b4s+clinching+mission+to+Chamb%c3%a9ry Players came back in very different conditions from the World Championships, coach Albrektsen says Sat, 09 Feb 2013 13:17:23 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016281 09.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016281 “We play at home and we have to show that from the start” says Igropulo http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016272/%e2%80%9cWe+play+at+home+and+we+have+to+show+that+from+the+start%e2%80%9d+says+Igropulo Konstantin Igropulo is looking forward to facing his former teammates, but will be doing them no favours come Sunday Fri, 08 Feb 2013 16:34:44 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016272 08.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016272 Kadetten win to push Minsk to Last 16 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016266/Kadetten+win+to+push+Minsk+to+Last+16 Hamburg take one point from Medvedi, while Flensburg easily beat Belgrade – Important and clear win for Kadetten sealed a play off ticket for Dinamo Thu, 07 Feb 2013 21:47:37 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016266 07.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016266 “We must beat Celje” says Buricea http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016256/%e2%80%9cWe+must+beat+Celje%e2%80%9d+says+Buricea Constanta's left winger feels that a win against Celje in their penultimate Group B match would all but guarantee them a place in the Last 16 Thu, 07 Feb 2013 14:51:55 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016256 07.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016256 Teams with new faces http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016260/Teams+with+new+faces Some VELUX EHF Champions League teams have been busy during the break in action, trying to strengthen their squads for the crucial phase of the season Thu, 07 Feb 2013 14:20:02 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016260 07.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016260 Rutenka looking forward to facing old teammates http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016258/Rutenka+looking+forward+to+facing+old+teammates Barcelona's attacking weapon speaks to ehfCL.com about the upcoming Match of the Week and facing old friends in Berlin Thu, 07 Feb 2013 12:40:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016258 07.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016258 World watches O2 World http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016262/World+watches+O2+World ehfTV commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin blogs the Match of the Week in Round 8 Berlin vs. Barcelona Thu, 07 Feb 2013 12:21:26 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016262 07.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016262 Berlin hosts first MOTW of 2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016261/Berlin+hosts+first+MOTW+of+2013 German capital, Kiel and Velenje host the last three Matches of the Week in the VELUX EHF Champions League Group Phase. Thu, 07 Feb 2013 08:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016261 07.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016261 Zebras cruise to Gothenburg http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016249/Zebras+cruise+to+Gothenburg Team and fans of defending champions THW Kiel take the ferry to their next match in the VELUX EHF Champions League Wed, 06 Feb 2013 14:20:39 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016249 06.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016249 Preview of Round 8 of the VELUX EHF Champions League http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016248/Preview+of+Round+8+of+the+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League Six spots for the Last 16 are still not confirmed, while the fight for the top positions restarts after the winter break Wed, 06 Feb 2013 11:52:56 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016248 06.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016248 ehfTV.com Match of the Week in Berlin already sold-out http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016243/ehfTV.com+Match+of+the+Week+in+Berlin+already+sold-out 13.000 spectators will attend group D clash of Füchse Berlin vs. FC Barcelona Intersport in German capital Tue, 05 Feb 2013 11:53:36 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016243 05.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016243 Constanta bolster squad ahead of key matches http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016234/Constanta+bolster+squad+ahead+of+key+matches Romanian champions take advantage of domestic rivals downfall Mon, 04 Feb 2013 12:31:43 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016234 04.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016234 Mamelund returns to Haslum, Vilovski arrives http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016228/Mamelund+returns+to+Haslum%2c+Vilovski+arrives Norwegian dissolved the contract with Montpellier, Serbian arrives, but he cannot play in the VELUX EHF Champions League Sat, 02 Feb 2013 14:06:49 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016228 02.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016228 Karabatić signs for five months with Aix http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016226/Karabati%c4%87+signs+for+five+months+with+Aix Nikola follows brother Luka to a new club Fri, 01 Feb 2013 19:38:05 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016226 01.02.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016226 Karabatic, Montpellier part ways http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016213/Karabatic%2c+Montpellier+part+ways The French champions agreed on cancelling the contract with the star back player. Thu, 31 Jan 2013 19:54:22 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016213 31.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016213 Double injury blow for Kielce http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016209/Double+injury+blow+for+Kielce KS Vive Targi Kielce will be short handed on the right side as Denis Buntić and Ivan Čupić suffer injuries Thu, 31 Jan 2013 13:25:16 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016209 31.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016209 Bjerringbro-Silkeborg switch right backs http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016177/Bjerringbro-Silkeborg+switch+right+backs Simon Kristiansen will leave Danish VELUX EHF Champions League participants at the end of this season Wed, 23 Jan 2013 10:17:27 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016177 23.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016177 Injury rules out Štrlek http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016170/Injury+rules+out+%c5%a0trlek Kielce winger suffers hand injury at World Championship Mon, 21 Jan 2013 14:59:55 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016170 21.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016170 Alfred Gislason extends his stay in Kiel http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016167/Alfred+Gislason+extends+his+stay+in+Kiel Icelandic coach signs new contract until 2017 at the defending VELUX EHF Champions League winner Mon, 21 Jan 2013 09:50:11 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016167 21.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016167 Hand injury rules Jurkiewicz out for two months http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016160/Hand+injury+rules+Jurkiewicz+out+for+two+months BM Atlético Madrid's right back suffers a broken metacarpal bone at the World Championship Wed, 16 Jan 2013 10:33:56 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016160 16.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016160 114 players from VELUX EHF Champions League on court in Spain http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016158/114+players+from+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+on+court+in+Spain European teams nominated nearly 50 percent of their squad from VELUX EHF Champions League Tue, 15 Jan 2013 09:59:14 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016158 15.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016158 Pick Szeged secure Pastor as Skaliczki successor http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016156/Pick+Szeged+secure+Pastor+as+Skaliczki+successor Juan Carlos Pastor will move to the Hungarian VELUX EHF Champions League participants in the summer. Mon, 14 Jan 2013 15:04:15 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016156 14.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016156 Paris sign another VELUX EHF Champions League star http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016155/Paris+sign+another+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+star The French club inked Hungarian international Gábor Császár from Veszprém Mon, 14 Jan 2013 14:00:52 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016155 14.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016155 Major transition at Füchse Berlin http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016148/Major+transition+at+F%c3%bcchse+Berlin Six players leave, six newcomers arrive at German 2012 VELUX EHF FINAL4 participant Fri, 11 Jan 2013 10:52:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016148 11.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016148 Swede keeper Sjöstrand to join Kiel http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016147/Swede+keeper+Sj%c3%b6strand+to+join+Kiel Johan Sjöstand to fill in for departing Omeyer next season Thu, 10 Jan 2013 17:38:54 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016147 10.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016147 Kadetten's Stojanović: "Anything is possible" http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016146/Kadetten%27s+Stojanovi%c4%87%3a+%22Anything+is+possible%22 Serbian right back, Aleksandar Stojanović, extends his contract at Kadetten Schaffhausen until 2016, and believes qualification for the VELUX EHF Champions League Last 16 is still possible Thu, 10 Jan 2013 15:25:42 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016146 10.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016146 Montenegrin Lasica joins Pick Szeged http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016145/Montenegrin+Lasica+joins+Pick+Szeged Pick Szeged strengthen their squad with 24-year-old right wing, as they make a final push for a Last 16 spot in the VELUX EHF Champions League Thu, 10 Jan 2013 10:30:40 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016145 10.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016145 BLOG: Different from the sun in Martinique http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016142/BLOG%3a+Different+from+the+sun+in+Martinique Mathieu Grébille blogs about his knee injury, Montpellier's Group Phase run-in, his Christmas holidays, and France at the World Championship Wed, 09 Jan 2013 14:39:09 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016142 09.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016142 Grabarczyk and Ólafsson extend contracts in Kielce http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016140/Grabarczyk+and+%c3%93lafsson+extend+contracts+in+Kielce KS Vive Targi Kielce keep a hold of two experienced players until 2014 Wed, 09 Jan 2013 09:45:08 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016140 09.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016140 Paris sign third VELUX EHF Champions League player http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016138/Paris+sign+third+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+player Daniel Narcisse follows Vori and Melic to French league leaders Tue, 08 Jan 2013 16:22:35 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016138 08.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016138 Čupić and Penezić named Croatia's Players of the Year http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016137/%c4%8cupi%c4%87+and+Penezi%c4%87+named+Croatia%27s+Players+of+the+Year National team mastermind Slavko Goluža receives accolade for best coach in 2012 Tue, 08 Jan 2013 15:57:12 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016137 08.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016137 Tahirović ends illustrious career http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016126/Tahirovi%c4%87+ends+illustrious+career Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Enid Tahirović ends his professional career after a short stint with Frisch Auf Goppingen Thu, 03 Jan 2013 16:00:43 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016126 03.01.2013 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016126 Barcelona are the best of 24 teams http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016120/Barcelona+are+the+best+of+24+teams Facts and figures of the VELUX EHF Champions League Sat, 29 Dec 2012 09:58:13 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016120 29.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016120 Flensburg celebrate derby victory http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016119/Flensburg+celebrate+derby+victory After 14 failed attempts in five years SG defeated arch rivals from Kiel in the match of two German VELUX EHF Champions League participants Sat, 29 Dec 2012 09:27:21 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016119 29.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016119 26 wins in 26 matches for unbeatable Barcelona Intersport http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016117/26+wins+in+26+matches+for+unbeatable+Barcelona+Intersport Barcelona take ASOBAL Cup title in Vigo Mon, 24 Dec 2012 14:12:06 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016117 24.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016117 Džomba: "Veszprem success not a surprise, Kielce is a time-bomb" http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016099/D%c5%beomba%3a+%22Veszprem+success+not+a+surprise%2c+Kielce+is+a+time-bomb%22 Croatian handball legend, Mirza Džomba, speaks to ehfCL.com Tue, 18 Dec 2012 11:10:18 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016099 18.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016099 Celje's youngsters brought to the fore as Perić makes way http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016087/Celje%27s+youngsters+brought+to+the+fore+as+Peri%c4%87+makes+way Dejan Perić to stay at the club in a new role at the end of the season Thu, 13 Dec 2012 19:04:07 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016087 13.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016087 Playmaker Larsson leaving Sävehof http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016085/Playmaker+Larsson+leaving+S%c3%a4vehof Swedish international will join German side VfL Gummersbach Thu, 13 Dec 2012 12:07:13 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016085 13.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016085 Schedule of MOTW in last three rounds released http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016084/Schedule+of+MOTW+in+last+three+rounds+released The English live commentary of Tom Ó Brannagáin from Berlin, Kiel and Velenje in the last three rounds of the VELUX EHF Champions League. Wed, 12 Dec 2012 17:12:44 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016084 12.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016084 SG Flensburg-Handewitt go into the new year full of confidence http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016082/SG+Flensburg-Handewitt+go+into+the+new+year+full+of+confidence After surviving a barrage of injuries, the Germans have great expectations for 2013 Wed, 12 Dec 2012 12:31:30 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016082 12.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016082 Đorđić from Flensburg to Hamburg http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016078/%c4%90or%c4%91i%c4%87+from+Flensburg+to+Hamburg Serbo-German signs four years contract at HSV as apart of major club transition Tue, 11 Dec 2012 15:40:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016078 11.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016078 Olympic shirt on auction of Pick Szeged http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016076/Olympic+shirt+on+auction+of+Pick+Szeged Hungarian club has organised a charity action to support the local Children’s Oncology Clinic. The shirt and the ball from London Olympics at the stake of an auction and tombola. Mon, 10 Dec 2012 16:38:58 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016076 10.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016076 Sterbik helps Barcelona get one hand on the league http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016075/Sterbik+helps+Barcelona+get+one+hand+on+the+league Barcelona's number one provides a goalkeeping masterclass Mon, 10 Dec 2012 16:03:10 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016075 10.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016075 Henrik Toft Hansen joins Hamburg http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016069/Henrik+Toft+Hansen+joins+Hamburg Danish international will join his brother René in Bundesliga, but not in the same jersey. Fri, 07 Dec 2012 18:58:32 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016069 07.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016069 THW Kiel sign their first ever Tunisian http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016062/THW+Kiel+sign+their+first+ever+Tunisian Defending VELUX EHF Champions League champions make Wael Jallouz their first new signing for next season Thu, 06 Dec 2012 11:01:46 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016062 06.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016062 Montpellier's many regrets http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016056/Montpellier%27s+many+regrets Missed opportunities for Montpellier leave them scrapping for a Last 16 spot Tue, 04 Dec 2012 13:13:45 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016056 04.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016056 Challenge number one http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016052/Challenge+number+one Dinamo Minsk on the verge of making the VELUX EHF Champions League Last 16 for the first time Mon, 03 Dec 2012 13:07:48 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016052 03.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016052 BLOG: Atletico czech-mated in Kiel http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016050/BLOG%3a+Atletico+czech-mated+in+Kiel ehfTV commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin gives his reaction to Sunday's Match of the Week between Kiel vs. Atlético Mon, 03 Dec 2012 12:32:05 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016050 03.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016050 All four German clubs qualified for the Last 16 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016046/All+four+German+clubs+qualified+for+the+Last+16 Flensburg and Kiel win top matches, as Kielce remain with a clear record and Minsk beat Füchse Sun, 02 Dec 2012 21:30:44 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016046 02.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016046 “Atlético without five” close to a sensation at Kiel http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016045/%e2%80%9cAtl%c3%a9tico+without+five%e2%80%9d+close+to+a+sensation+at+Kiel THW remain only Veszprém hunter after 31:27 victory in the ehfTV.com Match of the Week thanks to 13 Jícha goals Sun, 02 Dec 2012 18:59:15 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016045 02.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016045 Metalurg and Velenje make it to the Last 16 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016043/Metalurg+and+Velenje+make+it+to+the+Last+16 Three clubs of group C already confirmed for the knock-out stage, as Barcelona and Veszprém keep their clean record and Szeged grab their chance against Zagreb. Sat, 01 Dec 2012 18:21:55 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016043 01.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016043 Lazarov: Kiel and Madrid can go all the way again http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016039/Lazarov%3a+Kiel+and+Madrid+can+go+all+the+way+again ehfCL.com talks to Atlético’s Macedonian shooter before the Match of the Week at THW Sat, 01 Dec 2012 08:27:40 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016039 01.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016039 Omeyer: "I love those big games" http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016038/Omeyer%3a+%22I+love+those+big+games%22 French THW Kiel goalkeeper talks to ehfCL.com before the ehfTV.com Match of the Week against Atlético Madrid Sat, 01 Dec 2012 08:10:48 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016038 01.12.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016038 BLOG: Big stars, but no prima donnas http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016032/BLOG%3a+Big+stars%2c+but+no+prima+donnas ehfTV commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin blogs the Match of the Week in Round 7 Kiel vs. Atlético Fri, 30 Nov 2012 19:20:07 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016032 30.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016032 Preview of the Match of the Week: THW Kiel vs. Atlético Madrid http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016031/Preview+of+the+Match+of+the+Week%3a+THW+Kiel+vs.+Atl%c3%a9tico+Madrid The battle of the Veszprém’s hunters in the re-match of the last season´s final Fri, 30 Nov 2012 17:46:55 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016031 30.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016031 Szeged is first step for us, Stepančić says http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016010/Szeged+is+first+step+for+us%2c+Stepan%c4%8di%c4%87+says Zagreb travels to Szeged for the first of the crucial matches in the Group D fight for Last 16 tickets. Fri, 30 Nov 2012 10:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016010 30.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016010 Hamburg and Medvedi through to the knock-out stage http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016028/Hamburg+and+Medvedi+through+to+the+knock-out+stage First two Last 16 participants of group A confirmed, as Constanta grab their last chance. Thu, 29 Nov 2012 22:13:38 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016028 29.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016028 Kiel send a clear signal to Madrid http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016023/Kiel+send+a+clear+signal+to+Madrid THW take the top spot in the German Bundesliga after thrashing former league leaders Löwen by 28:17 Thu, 29 Nov 2012 16:29:25 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016023 29.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016023 One race, two winners, more projects http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016018/One+race%2c+two+winners%2c+more+projects The competition “Support your team” organised by the VELUX Group generated interesting activity of the fan clubs Thu, 29 Nov 2012 09:15:02 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016018 29.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016018 Melić: Looking for new victory and knock-out stage http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016015/Meli%c4%87%3a+Looking+for+new+victory+and+knock-out+stage Montenegrin top scorer of the RK Gorenje Velenje Fahrudin Melić speaks to ehfCL.com ahead of the match in Chekhov against St. Peterbsurg. Wed, 28 Nov 2012 15:52:59 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016015 28.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016015 Ólafsson: We have to remain concentrated all the time http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016014/%c3%93lafsson%3a+We+have+to+remain+concentrated+all+the+time After winning a closely-fought encounter with HC Metalurg, Kielce shift focus towards winning Group C Wed, 28 Nov 2012 14:38:45 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016014 28.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016014 Preview of Round 7 of the VELUX EHF Champions League http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016013/Preview+of+Round+7+of+the+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League Up to seven more teams can confirm their qualification for the Last 16 in the last matches of the VELUX EHF Champions League in 2012. Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:46:18 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016013 28.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016013 Good performance under pressure, all the time http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016012/Good+performance+under+pressure%2c+all+the+time František Šulc speaks about the new heights he has reached at this last stage of his career Wed, 28 Nov 2012 11:47:07 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016012 28.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016012 Dmitry Kovalev undergoes knee surgery http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016006/Dmitry+Kovalev+undergoes+knee+surgery Chekhovskie Medvedi winger has a cruciate ligament reconstruction Tue, 27 Nov 2012 16:46:11 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016006 27.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016006 Bertrand Gille out for at least a month http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016000/Bertrand+Gille+out+for+at+least+a+month Gille to miss next VELUX EHF Champions League and may miss World Championship Tue, 27 Nov 2012 14:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016000 27.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016000 Renewal of Montpellier http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016001/Renewal+of+Montpellier Despite riding the recent wave of success the head coach of French champions Canayer still calls for carefulness. Tue, 27 Nov 2012 14:03:09 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016001 27.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/016001 Christophersen will miss next Füchse matches http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015992/Christophersen+will+miss+next+F%c3%bcchse+matches Knee injury occurred in the VELUX EHF Champions League match at Zagreb. Mon, 26 Nov 2012 14:12:35 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015992 26.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015992 POST MATCH BLOG: Revenge is a dish of hamburgers best served cold http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015991/POST+MATCH+BLOG%3a+Revenge+is+a+dish+of+hamburgers+best+served+cold ehfTV commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin gives his thoughts on yesterday evening's Match of the Week between Flensburg and Hamburg. Mon, 26 Nov 2012 13:22:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015991 26.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015991 Kielce through thanks to Bjerringbro, Madrid and Montpellier victorious http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015988/Kielce+through+thanks+to+Bjerringbro%2c+Madrid+and+Montpellier+victorious Round 6 of the VELUX EHF Champions League finalized with four home victories – four participants of the Last 16 confirmed by now Sun, 25 Nov 2012 21:22:27 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015988 25.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015988 Flensburg take a thrilling revenge http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015987/Flensburg+take+a+thrilling+revenge SG win All-German ehfTV.com match of the week against Hamburg and are just one point behind their opponent and Medvedi now (statements updated). Sun, 25 Nov 2012 19:14:55 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015987 25.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015987 Barcelona and Veszprém progress to the Last 16 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015985/Barcelona+and+Veszpr%c3%a9m+progress+to+the+Last+16 Highly thrilling matches on Saturday with Berlin lucky to take the points at Zagreb and Kielce beating Metalurg by one goal. Sat, 24 Nov 2012 22:20:02 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015985 24.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015985 BLOG: I do everything I can to get a chance to prove myself http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015978/BLOG%3a+I+do+everything+I+can+to+get+a+chance+to+prove+myself Stefan Terzić blogs about his first season with HSV Hamburg and playing with and against the players he has grown up watching on TV Sat, 24 Nov 2012 10:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015978 24.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015978 Zagreb duo raring to go against Berlin http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015981/Zagreb+duo+raring+to+go+against+Berlin Croatia players Mandalinić and Matulić speak to domestic media before the match against Füchse Fri, 23 Nov 2012 17:11:49 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015981 23.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015981 Goluža: In three years this Zagreb team can be on top of Europe http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015977/Golu%c5%bea%3a+In+three+years+this+Zagreb+team+can+be+on+top+of+Europe HC Croatia Osiguranje Zagreb coach discusses his new look team and how they have dealt with the VELUX EHF Champions League Fri, 23 Nov 2012 15:39:45 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015977 23.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015977 Nielsen will miss first match in Jysk Arena http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015974/Nielsen+will+miss+first+match+in+Jysk+Arena Right back of Bjerringbro Silkeborg injured his left thumb in the Danish league Fri, 23 Nov 2012 13:47:22 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015974 23.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015974 BLOG: The Battle of the Burgs http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015971/BLOG%3a+The+Battle+of+the+Burgs ehfTV commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin blogs the Match of the Week in Round 6 Flensburg vs. Hamburg Fri, 23 Nov 2012 12:05:58 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015971 23.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015971 Thomas Mogensen: When we play with pace, they have no chance http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015970/Thomas+Mogensen%3a+When+we+play+with+pace%2c+they+have+no+chance SG Flensburg-Handewitt's Thomas Mogensen speaks about last weekend's all-German VELUX EHF Champions League clash, and revenge on Sunday Fri, 23 Nov 2012 10:52:35 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015970 23.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015970 Preview of the Match of the Week Round 6 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015969/Preview+of+the+Match+of+the+Week+Round+6 Prestigious all-German duel in Flensburg: Atlason out for month, as Hamburg fail clearly in dress rehearsal Fri, 23 Nov 2012 10:22:23 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015969 23.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015969 Russian and Belarusian champions march in step http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015968/Russian+and+Belarusian+champions+march+in+step Minsk and Medvedi making major steps to the Last 16 by beating León and Schaffhausen for the second time each Thu, 22 Nov 2012 23:16:32 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015968 22.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015968 Blog: First goal for Montpellier just before my 18th birthday http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015965/Blog%3a+First+goal+for+Montpellier+just+before+my+18th+birthday Mathieu Grébille blogs about his introduction to handball and his progression from his school team in Martinique to his Montpeliier debut Thu, 22 Nov 2012 17:03:22 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015965 22.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015965 Lindberg fit for MOTW in Flensburg after shoulder problem http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015959/Lindberg+fit+for+MOTW+in+Flensburg+after+shoulder+problem Hans Lindberg speaks about his prolific scoring run and the upcoming Match of the Week game against SG Flensburg Handewitt Thu, 22 Nov 2012 11:25:10 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015959 22.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015959 Metalurg hit by Kozlina's injury before match in Kielce http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015958/Metalurg+hit+by+Kozlina%27s+injury+before+match+in+Kielce Slovenian left back out indefinitely after a knee ligament strain Thu, 22 Nov 2012 10:39:37 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015958 22.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015958 Brilliant Marguč, but no points http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015957/Brilliant+Margu%c4%8d%2c+but+no+points THW Kiel take “little revenge” on RK Celje by winning the re-match and the direct encounter Wed, 21 Nov 2012 20:52:19 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015957 21.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015957 Montpellier players can thank their new shoes http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015948/Montpellier+players+can+thank+their+new+shoes A hectic build-up to the game proves to be no distraction for Montpellier Tue, 20 Nov 2012 16:40:42 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015948 20.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015948 "There are so many questions to answer," says Benjamin Gille http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015947/%22There+are+so+many+questions+to+answer%2c%22+says+Benjamin+Gille Chambéry on the edge of elimination after another poor performance Tue, 20 Nov 2012 16:02:42 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015947 20.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015947 Just like a dream http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015944/Just+like+a+dream Kiel upset away from home against courageous Celje Tue, 20 Nov 2012 14:41:44 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015944 20.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015944 Kiel vs Celje live on ehfTV also in Slovenia http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015941/Kiel+vs+Celje+live+on+ehfTV+also+in+Slovenia Group B match will not be geo-blocked in Slovenia. Tue, 20 Nov 2012 14:25:28 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015941 20.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015941 Preview of VELUX EHF Champions League Round 6 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015940/Preview+of+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+Round+6 First three teams can book their Last 16 ticket, Flensburg vs. Hamburg ehfTV.com Match of the Week Tue, 20 Nov 2012 09:55:16 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015940 20.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015940 Vintage Karabatić back to business as usual http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015930/Vintage+Karabati%c4%87+back+to+business+as+usual Nicola Karabatić back on form to inspire Montpellier's first victory Mon, 19 Nov 2012 19:24:37 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015930 19.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015930 BLOG: Sometimes even toughest metal melt in face of fire http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015933/BLOG%3a+Sometimes+even+toughest+metal+melt+in+face+of+fire ehfTV commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin gives his thoughts on yesterday evening's Match of the Week between Metalurg and Kielce Mon, 19 Nov 2012 18:32:52 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015933 19.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015933 Casper U. Mortensen: Simply a cool time right now http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015937/Casper+U.+Mortensen%3a+Simply+a+cool+time+right+now Bjerringbo-Silkeborg's talented left winger speaks about his meteoric rise in the last two years Mon, 19 Nov 2012 17:24:45 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015937 19.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015937 Kielce keep unblemished record and extend lead in Group C http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015925/Kielce+keep+unblemished+record+and+extend+lead+in+Group+C Macedonian champions suffered their first defeat of the season on the home court. Sun, 18 Nov 2012 21:27:43 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015925 18.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015925 Veszprém, Kielce and Barcelona keep their 100 percent record http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015924/Veszpr%c3%a9m%2c+Kielce+and+Barcelona+keep+their+100+percent+record Montpellier take their first victory, as Chambéry still wait for their first point and Hamburg win all-German encounter Sun, 18 Nov 2012 21:22:44 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015924 18.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015924 Ólafsson hopes to take two points to Kielce from Skopje http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015922/%c3%93lafsson+hopes+to+take+two+points+to+Kielce+from+Skopje Icelandic player talks to ehfcl.com before the Match of the Week of Round 5 Sat, 17 Nov 2012 22:14:29 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015922 17.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015922 Brilliant Celje shock defending champions http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015921/Brilliant+Celje+shock+defending+champions Slovenians cause sensational second straight defeat for THW Kiel, as Medvedi have no problems take the points at Leon. Sat, 17 Nov 2012 19:31:12 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015921 17.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015921 ehfTV hit record number of REWIND takers http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015919/ehfTV+hit+record+number+of+REWIND+takers GMG Sport and Stöð 2 Sport are the latest additions on the list of stations playing the VELUX EHF Champions League magazine. Fri, 16 Nov 2012 20:30:50 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015919 16.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015919 Listen to MOTW in Skopje live http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015916/Listen+to+MOTW+in+Skopje+live Match of the Week of Round 5 also as on an audio feed Fri, 16 Nov 2012 16:05:56 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015916 16.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015916 Mirkulovski: We are not under pressure to win http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015912/Mirkulovski%3a+We+are+not+under+pressure+to+win Metalurg's Filip Mirkulovski speaks about Sunday's Match fo the Week showdown with Kielce Fri, 16 Nov 2012 11:09:13 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015912 16.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015912 Preview of ehfTV.com Match of the Week http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015911/Preview+of+ehfTV.com+Match+of+the+Week Metalurg vs. Vive Targi Kielce – the race for Group C number one position Fri, 16 Nov 2012 09:33:54 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015911 16.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015911 Madrid back on track, Füchse take a lucky win http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015910/Madrid+back+on+track%2c+F%c3%bcchse+take+a+lucky+win Re-start of the VELUX EHF Champions League: Dinamo Minsk dominantly overran Schaffhausen, while Madrid and Berlin cheated the gallows in the final stages. Thu, 15 Nov 2012 21:26:10 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015910 15.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015910 BLOG: Sign language will be order of day http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015906/BLOG%3a+Sign+language+will+be+order+of+day ehfTV commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin blogs the Match of the Week in Round 5 Metalurg vs. Kielce Thu, 15 Nov 2012 15:48:45 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015906 15.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015906 Chambéry clutching at straws before match against Velenje http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015905/Chamb%c3%a9ry+clutching+at+straws+before+match+against+Velenje French runners-up will miss their top scorer Edin Bašić, but Guillaume Gille is back at full strength. Thu, 15 Nov 2012 14:53:27 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015905 15.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015905 Bjerringbro-Silkeborg humiliate Kolding http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015904/Bjerringbro-Silkeborg+humiliate+Kolding The participant of the VELUX EHF Champions League beat the EHF Cup team by ten goals. Thu, 15 Nov 2012 11:39:16 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015904 15.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015904 Denis Špoljarić - minister of defence against old club Zagreb http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015901/Denis+%c5%a0poljari%c4%87+-+minister+of+defence+against+old+club+Zagreb Füchse's defensive rock speaks to ehfCL.com about coming up against his former club Wed, 14 Nov 2012 17:21:41 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015901 14.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015901 Croatia find a potential new great in Filip Ivić http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015898/Croatia+find+a+potential+new+great+in+Filip+Ivi%c4%87 HC Croatia Osiguranje Zagreb's karate kid keeper speaks about his fledgling career Wed, 14 Nov 2012 15:06:53 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015898 14.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015898 Grébille out for six weeks http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015899/Gr%c3%a9bille+out+for+six+weeks Montpellier´s left back will miss all three remaining rounds of the VELUX EHF Champions League in 2012 Wed, 14 Nov 2012 14:43:27 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015899 14.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015899 Sävehof surprised by their own success http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015896/S%c3%a4vehof+surprised+by+their+own+success Sweden champions believe in themselves before the visit of the group leaders from Veszprém Wed, 14 Nov 2012 09:42:35 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015896 14.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015896 Preview of Round 5 of the VELUX EHF Champions League http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015895/Preview+of+Round+5+of+the+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League After a four week break the competition restarts with the first part of the “double-headers” Wed, 14 Nov 2012 09:12:45 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015895 14.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015895 Minsk sign Serbian line player Nikolić http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015891/Minsk+sign+Serbian+line+player+Nikoli%c4%87 Belarusian champions agreed with experienced line player until the end of the season. Tue, 13 Nov 2012 15:48:20 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015891 13.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015891 Skopje's match sold out in two hours http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015890/Skopje%27s+match+sold+out+in+two+hours Tickets sold in record time for key VELUX EHF Champions League match Tue, 13 Nov 2012 13:45:03 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015890 13.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015890 Vardar beat Metalurg in Skopje derby by last shot http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015887/Vardar+beat+Metalurg+in+Skopje+derby+by+last+shot EHF Cup participants won over VELUX EHF Champions League team thanks to a free throw after the time had expired Tue, 13 Nov 2012 10:12:48 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015887 13.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015887 Płock outshine Kielce as two rivals meet in Polish league http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015886/P%c5%82ock+outshine+Kielce+as+two+rivals+meet+in+Polish+league EHF Cup participants Orlen Wisła Płock earn a well deserved victory over Polish league rivals Vive Targi Kielce from the VELUX EHF Champions League. Mon, 12 Nov 2012 17:17:01 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015886 12.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015886 Flensburg coach on two years in the job http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015883/Flensburg+coach+on+two+years+in+the+job Ljubomir Vranjes speaks about this season and his young coaching career Mon, 12 Nov 2012 15:34:15 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015883 12.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015883 Thrilling battles in the DKB Bundesliga http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015858/Thrilling+battles+in+the+DKB+Bundesliga Shock results continue to shake up the Bundesliga Thu, 08 Nov 2012 15:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015858 08.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015858 VELUX EHF Champions League participants defeat EHF Cup rivals http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015852/VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+participants+defeat+EHF+Cup+rivals Croatia Osiguranje Zagreb underline their potential against Tatran Prešov Wed, 07 Nov 2012 15:06:14 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015852 07.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015852 Saint Raphäel bolster squad for next season http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015850/Saint+Raph%c3%a4el+bolster+squad+for+next+season The French team are hoping to make a bigger impact on the VELUX EHF Champions League next season Wed, 07 Nov 2012 11:56:14 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015850 07.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015850 Six weeks out for Accambray with broken nose http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015849/Six+weeks+out+for+Accambray+with+broken+nose William Accambray will miss three VELUX EHF Champions League games with his injury Wed, 07 Nov 2012 11:00:18 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015849 07.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015849 Short Danish adventure for Losert http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015848/Short+Danish+adventure+for+Losert Croatian goalkeeper signed 18 month contract with Kielce Wed, 07 Nov 2012 09:59:34 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015848 07.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015848 EHF Court of Handball decision in the case AG Copenhagen http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015845/EHF+Court+of+Handball+decision+in+the+case+AG+Copenhagen Danish club fined 25,000 EUR and banned for any EHF club competition for two more seasons Tue, 06 Nov 2012 15:13:11 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015845 06.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015845 Zagreb defence bolstered by American http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015843/Zagreb+defence+bolstered+by+American Domagoj Sršen dreams about playing alongside his cousin Ivan Čupić in the national team of Croatia Tue, 06 Nov 2012 10:31:17 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015843 06.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015843 Christophersen: Defeats cause no panic http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015837/Christophersen%3a+Defeats+cause+no+panic Berlin striker reviews and previews the Füchse Group Phase of the VELUX EHF Champions League Mon, 05 Nov 2012 14:29:58 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015837 05.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015837 Toft Hansen out for at least six weeks http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015835/Toft+Hansen+out+for+at+least+six+weeks THW Kiel line player injured in test match with Danish national team Mon, 05 Nov 2012 11:12:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015835 05.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015835 Soirhando starting new adventures after contract extension http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015825/Soirhando+starting+new+adventures+after+contract+extension Barcelona line player talks to ehfCL.com on various topics Sat, 03 Nov 2012 14:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015825 03.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015825 Wiencek: Marcus Ahlm is a brilliant teacher http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015823/Wiencek%3a+Marcus+Ahlm+is+a+brilliant+teacher German THW Kiel youngster develops at the side of experienced Swedish world star Fri, 02 Nov 2012 16:55:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015823 02.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015823 Kielce are ready to reach FINAL4, says Čupić http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015812/Kielce+are+ready+to+reach+FINAL4%2c+says+%c4%8cupi%c4%87 Croatian winger consider his team as favourites before the next ehfTV Match of the week in Skopje. Thu, 01 Nov 2012 14:51:30 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015812 01.11.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015812 Červar faces former assistant Goluža http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015800/%c4%8cervar+faces+former+assistant+Golu%c5%bea The clash between Metalurg Skopje and Croatia Osiguranje Zagreb saw a new chapter in the long history between the coaches Wed, 31 Oct 2012 13:44:51 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015800 31.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015800 Šabanović: My Atlético dream http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015799/%c5%a0abanovi%c4%87%3a+My+Atl%c3%a9tico+dream Bosnian goalkeeper Adnan Šabanović talks of his pride at signing for Atlético Madrid Wed, 31 Oct 2012 12:23:06 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015799 31.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015799 Chambéry succeed, Montpellier out http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015780/Chamb%c3%a9ry+succeed%2c+Montpellier+out Mixed fortunes for VELUX EHF Champions League clubs in the Coupe De La Ligue Tue, 30 Oct 2012 10:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015780 30.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015780 More than a match http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015782/More+than+a+match Szeged rise above Veszprém in the second biggest derby in Europe between both Hungarian clubs from the VELUX EHF Champions League Mon, 29 Oct 2012 18:35:19 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015782 29.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015782 Bundesliga battles thrill crowds http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015777/Bundesliga+battles+thrill+crowds THW Kiel secured their 46th consecutive Bundesliga victory with a 33:30 win over HSV Hamburg – but they were made to sweat for the points in the clash of two VELUX EHF Champions League participants. Mon, 29 Oct 2012 16:35:24 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015777 29.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015777 New arena plan for Kielce http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015732/New+arena+plan+for+Kielce Polish champions and VELUX EHF Champions League participant Vive Targi Kielce have announced plans to build a new handball arena. Sat, 27 Oct 2012 10:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015732 27.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015732 Veszprém throw down the gauntlet http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015765/Veszpr%c3%a9m+throw+down+the+gauntlet After beating Madrid and Kiel this week, Hungarian champions MKB Veszprém are emerging as serious contenders in the VELUX EHF Champions League Fri, 26 Oct 2012 16:00:11 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015765 26.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015765 Everything is wide open for Constanta http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015758/Everything+is+wide+open+for+Constanta HCM Constanta put an end to a bad start and now focus on getting a last 16 spot Thu, 25 Oct 2012 15:53:16 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015758 25.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015758 Madrid battling injury plague http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015737/Madrid+battling+injury+plague The start of Atlético Madrid’s season has been hampered by a long list of injuries Thu, 25 Oct 2012 10:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015737 25.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015737 Dream becomes reality for Metalurg http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015735/Dream+becomes+reality+for+Metalurg Macedonian outfit HC Metalurg has had a dream start to the VELUX EHF Champions League, with four wins from four matches so far Wed, 24 Oct 2012 12:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015735 24.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015735 No rest for Flensburg http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015746/No+rest+for+Flensburg Despite making a great start to the VELUX EHF Champions League, SG Flensburg-Handewitt’s Anders Eggert is refusing to take anything for granted Tue, 23 Oct 2012 20:31:57 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015746 23.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015746 POST MATCH BLOG: Panic attacks http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015727/POST+MATCH+BLOG%3a+Panic+attacks ehfTV expert commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin offers his impressions after the fourth Match of the Week - Chambéry vs. Kielce Mon, 22 Oct 2012 17:03:11 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015727 22.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015727 Ševaljević: Minsk can improve http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015716/%c5%a0evaljevi%c4%87%3a+Minsk+can+improve Dinamo Minsk left-back Ševaljević says his team can get much better if they change just a few aspects of their game Mon, 22 Oct 2012 09:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015716 22.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015716 Three more teams remain unbeaten after four rounds http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015718/Three+more+teams+remain+unbeaten+after+four+rounds Kielce and Hamburg win their matches, while Flensburg tie at Ademar Leon. Sun, 21 Oct 2012 21:49:33 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015718 21.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015718 Kielce, Chambéry make it four in a row http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015717/Kielce%2c+Chamb%c3%a9ry+make+it+four+in+a+row The champions of Poland recorded the fourth victory in a row, the French runners-up fourth defeat Sun, 21 Oct 2012 21:21:42 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015717 21.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015717 Fourth victories for Barcelona and Metalurg http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015714/Fourth+victories+for+Barcelona+and+Metalurg Spanish and Macedonian champions top their groups after clear wins on Saturday. Sat, 20 Oct 2012 21:06:39 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015714 20.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015714 Kielce on their guard against Chambéry http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015709/Kielce+on+their+guard+against+Chamb%c3%a9ry Currently top of Group C with three wins from three matches, KS Vive Targi Kielce are wary of this weekend’s opponent in the VELUX EHF Champions League – bottom of the group Chambéry. Sat, 20 Oct 2012 12:40:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015709 20.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015709 Bašić: One win is all we need http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015713/Ba%c5%a1i%c4%87%3a+One+win+is+all+we+need Chambéry’s Edin Bašić tells ehfCL.com that one win is all his side need to kick-start their campaign in the VELUX EHF Champions League Sat, 20 Oct 2012 12:05:59 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015713 20.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015713 BLOG: Gille musketeers are in town http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015705/BLOG%3a+Gille+musketeers+are+in+town ehfTV commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin blogs the Match of the Week in Round 4 Chambéry vs. Kielce Fri, 19 Oct 2012 13:01:07 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015705 19.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015705 Fourth victory or end of suffering? http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015700/Fourth+victory+or+end+of+suffering%3f Preview on the ehfTV.com Match of the Week Chambéry Savoie vs. Vive Targi Kielce Fri, 19 Oct 2012 11:46:29 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015700 19.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015700 Veszprém in euphory as two galaxies collide http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015697/Veszpr%c3%a9m+in+euphory+as+two+galaxies+collide Hungarian champions beat both finalists of the previous season within five days Fri, 19 Oct 2012 08:47:56 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015697 19.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015697 Veszprém defeat defending champions http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015696/Veszpr%c3%a9m+defeat+defending+champions Nail-biting thriller against THW Kiel ends with a 31:30 thanks to Nagy and Fazekas, while Constanta and Minsk take their first victories. Thu, 18 Oct 2012 21:23:04 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015696 18.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015696 Sävehof sensationally beat Madrid http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015689/S%c3%a4vehof+sensationally+beat+Madrid One of the biggest surprise in club history of the Swedish champions, who remain unbeaten at home like Berlin and Velenje did on Wednesday. Wed, 17 Oct 2012 22:50:14 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015689 17.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015689 Celje celebrate Swedish victory http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015684/Celje+celebrate+Swedish+victory Celje Pivovarna Laško are celebrating after securing a big win over Sävehof in the VELUX EHF Champions League Wed, 17 Oct 2012 11:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015684 17.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015684 Vujin and the handball-crazy cities http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015681/Vujin+and+the+handball-crazy+cities On Thursday Serbian shooter returns with his new club THW Kiel to Veszprém, where it all started Wed, 17 Oct 2012 09:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015681 17.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015681 Hombrados out for six months http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015682/Hombrados+out+for+six+months Atlético Madrid vow to stand by their goalkeeper despite the serious knee ligament injury which staved him off from the home World Championship in January Tue, 16 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015682 16.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015682 Partizan develop Group Phase appetite http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015678/Partizan+develop+Group+Phase+appetite Coach Brković and playmaker Mitrović now believe in miracles in the campaign of Serbian title holders in the VELUX EHF Champions League Tue, 16 Oct 2012 11:54:21 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015678 16.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015678 VELUX EHF Champions League Round 4 Preview http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015676/VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+Round+4+Preview Tough tasks for all table toppers: Veszprém face Kiel, while Barcelona travel to Zagreb and Kielce move to the Alps Tue, 16 Oct 2012 10:29:26 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015676 16.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015676 POST MATCH BLOG: Every cloud has a silver lining http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015672/POST+MATCH+BLOG%3a+Every+cloud+has+a+silver+lining ehfTV expert commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin offers his impressions after the third Match of the Week - Montpellier vs. Hamburg Mon, 15 Oct 2012 16:29:17 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015672 15.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015672 Nagy conquers Vistalegre again http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015667/Nagy+conquers+Vistalegre+again Nagy helps Veszprém secure another shock away win against Atlético de Madrid Mon, 15 Oct 2012 13:59:43 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015667 15.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015667 Nagy seals the deal for Veszprém at Madrid http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015664/Nagy+seals+the+deal+for+Veszpr%c3%a9m+at+Madrid Hungarians win thriller in Spain, as all three German teams take both points in their Sunday’s matches and Metalurg remain unbeaten. Sun, 14 Oct 2012 22:10:10 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015664 14.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015664 Hamburg win again in Montpellier http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015662/Hamburg+win+again+in+Montpellier After the qualification success in St. Raphael the Hanseatic team excelled in southern France again in the Match of the Week on ehfTV Sun, 14 Oct 2012 21:28:08 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015662 14.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015662 Goluža buoyed by Zagreb’s fighting spirit http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015661/Golu%c5%bea+buoyed+by+Zagreb%e2%80%99s+fighting+spirit Coach happy despite defeat to Schaffhausen Sun, 14 Oct 2012 10:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015661 14.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015661 St. Petersburg, Celje and Belgrade celebrate first victories http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015659/St.+Petersburg%2c+Celje+and+Belgrade+celebrate+first+victories Barcelona highly close to a home ground disaster against Minsk, while Chambéry remain with zero points and Kielce keep their clean record. Sat, 13 Oct 2012 20:38:42 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015659 13.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015659 Bjerringbro-Silkeborg want more http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015656/Bjerringbro-Silkeborg+want+more Bjerringbro-Silkeborg are prepared for a tough clash with Metalurg Sat, 13 Oct 2012 14:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015656 13.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015656 Grébille continues his rise to the top http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015650/Gr%c3%a9bille+continues+his+rise+to+the+top Exciting Montpellier talent Mathieu Grébille speaks to official club website ahead of their clash with HSV Hamburg Sat, 13 Oct 2012 13:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015650 13.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015650 HSV wary of Montpellier threat http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015652/HSV+wary+of+Montpellier+threat HSV Handball goalkeeper Enid Tahirović speaks to ehfCL.com before the ehfTV Match of the Week against French champions Montpellier Agglomération HB on Sunday. Sat, 13 Oct 2012 12:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015652 13.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015652 BLOG: Too much kissing for my liking http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015653/BLOG%3a+Too+much+kissing+for+my+liking ehfTV commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin blogs the Match of the Week in Round 3 Montpellier vs Hamburg Fri, 12 Oct 2012 13:35:22 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015653 12.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015653 One series will come to an end – or not? http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015645/One+series+will+come+to+an+end+%e2%80%93+or+not%3f Preview on the Match of the Week Montpellier vs. Hamburg Fri, 12 Oct 2012 12:50:26 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015645 12.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015645 Clearance by Kadetten, easy walk for Kiel http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015644/Clearance+by+Kadetten%2c+easy+walk+for+Kiel Swiss champion take their first victory after thriller against Zagreb, while THW easily beat Constanta on Thursday. Thu, 11 Oct 2012 22:29:44 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015644 11.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015644 BLOG: It's already a final for us http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015634/BLOG%3a+It%27s+already+a+final+for+us The back player of Kadetten Dissinger was sidelined for a couple of days by flu, but still hopes for two points from match against Zagreb Thu, 11 Oct 2012 08:01:42 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015634 11.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015634 Preview of VELUX EHF Champions League Round 3 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015627/Preview+of+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+Round+3 Top clashes Madrid vs. Veszprém and Montpellier vs. Hamburg, as the Rutenka brothers face in Barcelona. Wed, 10 Oct 2012 12:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015627 10.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015627 Double joy for Green http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015616/Double+joy+for+Green Goalkeeper of Bjerringbro-Silkeborg helped his team to record a historic win with several excellent saves. Mon, 08 Oct 2012 19:07:49 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015616 08.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015616 Partizan still punching above their weight http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015614/Partizan+still+punching+above+their+weight Coach Brković says learning curve will continue Mon, 08 Oct 2012 16:17:38 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015614 08.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015614 Post match blog: Terrible game, brilliant match http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015613/Post+match+blog%3a+Terrible+game%2c+brilliant+match ehfTV expert commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin offers his impressions after the second Match of the Week - Szeged vs. Schaffhausen Mon, 08 Oct 2012 13:33:48 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015613 08.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015613 First ever points for Bjerringbro http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015607/First+ever+points+for+Bjerringbro Danish runners-up beat Chambéry and cause a black Sunday for the French teams, as Montpellier lost against León, too. Flensburg and Kiel took easy victories. Sun, 07 Oct 2012 22:04:27 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015607 07.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015607 Barcelona, Metalurg and Kielce keep their clean record http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015604/Barcelona%2c+Metalurg+and+Kielce+keep+their+clean+record Füchse disaster at Palau Blaugrana, while Madrid are successful in the Celje fortress. Szeged win thrilling ehfTV.com Match of the Week against Schaffhausen Sat, 06 Oct 2012 22:03:15 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015604 06.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015604 Szeged save two points at final horn http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015603/Szeged+save+two+points+at+final+horn MOTW turned into a thriller as Szeged beat Schaffhausen 30:29 with the last second shot. Sat, 06 Oct 2012 21:06:45 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015603 06.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015603 Kadetten already under pressure, Dissinger admits http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015602/Kadetten+already+under+pressure%2c+Dissinger+admits German Kadetten talent talks about the ehfTV.com Match of the Week at Pick Szeged Fri, 05 Oct 2012 19:17:19 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015602 05.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015602 Medvedi still without win against Hamburg http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015599/Medvedi+still+without+win+against+Hamburg Russian champions were close to their first ever victory over HSV, but had to settle for only one point. Fri, 05 Oct 2012 17:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015599 05.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015599 Berlin’s Romero preparing return to Barcelona http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015592/Berlin%e2%80%99s+Romero+preparing+return+to+Barcelona Spanish "fox" to meet his former teammates for the first time since his transfer. Fri, 05 Oct 2012 17:38:50 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015592 05.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015592 Szeged stalwart recalls 13 years with Pick http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015590/Szeged+stalwart+recalls+13+years+with+Pick Attila Vadkerti talks to ehfCL.com before the MOTW Pick Szeged vs. Kadetten Schaffhausen. Fri, 05 Oct 2012 15:35:23 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015590 05.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015590 Injury rules out Cleverly http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015596/Injury+rules+out+Cleverly Danish national team player and Vive Targi Kielce goalkeeper, Marcus Cleverly will be out for two months because of an injury to his hip joint. Fri, 05 Oct 2012 14:12:07 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015596 05.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015596 Listen to MOTW live http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015593/Listen+to+MOTW+live New way to follow the Match of the Week as audio feed made available Fri, 05 Oct 2012 13:49:38 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015593 05.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015593 MOTW preview: Important duel for the knock-out stage http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015595/MOTW+preview%3a+Important+duel+for+the+knock-out+stage Pick Szeged vs. Kadetten Schaffhausen ehfTV.com Match of the Week on Saturday – Free internet streaming with English commentary Fri, 05 Oct 2012 13:02:42 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015595 05.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015595 BLOG: Szeged is an amazing story http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015588/BLOG%3a+Szeged+is+an+amazing+story ehfTV commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin blogs the Match of the Week in Round 2 Szeged vs Schaffhausen Fri, 05 Oct 2012 10:05:56 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015588 05.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015588 Two thrillers end in draws http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015586/Two+thrillers+end+in+draws 27:27 twice: Chekhovskie Medvedi take a draw at HSV Hamburg as Zagreb tie at Minsk with the same result Thu, 04 Oct 2012 22:42:26 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015586 04.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015586 Niš becomes Partizan’s new fortress http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015575/Ni%c5%a1+becomes+Partizan%e2%80%99s+new+fortress Serbian champions move out of the capital for VELUX EHF Champions League Thu, 04 Oct 2012 18:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015575 04.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015575 Veszprém win by ten again http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015579/Veszpr%c3%a9m+win+by+ten+again Hungarian champions win their second straight match, again with a ten goal margin Wed, 03 Oct 2012 22:09:15 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015579 03.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015579 Perfect day for Kielce http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015571/Perfect+day+for+Kielce Kielce made the first step to live up to the expectations of being the Group C favourite. Wed, 03 Oct 2012 14:48:16 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015571 03.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015571 TV deal for VELUX EHF Champions League in the UK http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015573/TV+deal+for+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+in+the+UK Premier Sports TV will show MOTW and Rewind magazine to British audience. Wed, 03 Oct 2012 12:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015573 03.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015573 Metalurg upset home team under Alps http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015554/Metalurg+upset+home+team+under+Alps Under-strength Chambéry side lost their first match in the VELUX EHF Champions League against Metalurg Skopje (33-30). Tue, 02 Oct 2012 21:40:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015554 02.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015554 Preview of VELUX EHF Champions League Round 2 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015565/Preview+of+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+Round+2 12 matches on four days – mostly with decisive significance for the rest of the Group Phase. Tue, 02 Oct 2012 14:40:45 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015565 02.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015565 POST MATCH BLOG: Work, work and more work http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015559/POST+MATCH+BLOG%3a+Work%2c+work+and+more+work Expert commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin offers his impressions after the first Match of the Week - Atlético vs. Kiel. Mon, 01 Oct 2012 18:13:11 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015559 01.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015559 Peruničić predicts who is hot and who is not http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015526/Peruni%c4%8di%c4%87+predicts+who+is+hot+and+who+is+not The holder of the record for the most goals scored in a single season gives his thoughts on the VELUX EHF Champions League 2012/13. Mon, 01 Oct 2012 12:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015526 01.10.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015526 Kiel take Atletico’s fortress http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015549/Kiel+take+Atletico%e2%80%99s+fortress THW win ehfTV.com match of the week at Madrid 32:27 and prove their favourite role Sun, 30 Sep 2012 21:51:18 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015549 30.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015549 Flensburg comeback http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015548/Flensburg+comeback The stars of Europe shine again at Flensburg-Handewitt thanks to their return to the VELUX EHF Champions League Sun, 30 Sep 2012 14:52:49 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015548 30.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015548 THW is in my blood http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015546/THW+is+in+my+blood Kiel top shooter Filip Jícha talks about the start of the season before the MOTW in Madrid Sat, 29 Sep 2012 21:40:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015546 29.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015546 Atlético’s Källman promises a great match http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015539/Atl%c3%a9tico%e2%80%99s+K%c3%a4llman+promises+a+great+match Four months after they lost in the final of the VELUX EHF Champions League, Atlético Madrid and THW Kiel will meet again in Madrid on Sunday in the Match of the Week on ehfTV. Fri, 28 Sep 2012 16:49:18 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015539 28.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015539 VELUX supports handball's fans http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015541/VELUX+supports+handball%27s+fans Title sponsor of the VELUX EHF Champions League, the VELUX Group, is offering fans the chance to win 3000 Euro at handballenergy.com Fri, 28 Sep 2012 15:38:39 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015541 28.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015541 Kiel has improved since Doha, Jícha insists http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015536/Kiel+has+improved+since+Doha%2c+J%c3%adcha+insists Kiel top shooter Filip Jícha talks about the start of the season, the pressure to be defending champions and how to break the curse to reach their final destination Cologne again. THW will play in the first MOTW on ehfTV on Sunday. Fri, 28 Sep 2012 13:03:29 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015536 28.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015536 Bjerringbro-Silkeborg veteran wants improvement http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015524/Bjerringbro-Silkeborg+veteran+wants+improvement A heavy responsibility is resting on the shoulders of Kasper Nielsen, the 37-year-old backcourt player and defensive expert at Bjerringbro-Silkeborg. Fri, 28 Sep 2012 11:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015524 28.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015524 MOTW preview: Atlético vs Kiel http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015535/MOTW+preview%3a+Atl%c3%a9tico+vs+Kiel With head-to-head statistics equal at six victories and six defeats, one of the rivals will gain an upper hand in the first Match of the week on ehfTV on Sunday 30 September (18:00 hrs local time). Fri, 28 Sep 2012 11:49:57 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015535 28.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015535 BLOG: Duel of minds behind sidelines http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015531/BLOG%3a+Duel+of+minds+behind+sidelines It has come full circle for the ehfTV commentator before the first VELUX EHF Champions League Match of the Week of the new season Fri, 28 Sep 2012 10:17:31 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015531 28.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015531 One thrilling draw, three clear victories http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015533/One+thrilling+draw%2c+three+clear+victories Medvedi, Barcelona and Sävehof first winners of the 2012/13 VELUX EHF Champions League season. Thu, 27 Sep 2012 22:07:46 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015533 27.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015533 A sort of homecoming http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015532/A+sort+of+homecoming One of the most decorated players of handball history is starting the mission to capture the last trophy still resisting his longstanding siege. Ivano Balić from Atlético Madrid speaks to ehfCL.com just before the first Match of the Week of the new season against THW Kiel. Thu, 27 Sep 2012 19:12:28 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015532 27.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015532 ehfTV relaunches http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015529/ehfTV+relaunches All four matches on offer at the opening day of the VELUX EHF Champions League Thu, 27 Sep 2012 15:54:10 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015529 27.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015529 Glandorf: Montpellier clash is new territory http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015486/Glandorf%3a+Montpellier+clash+is+new+territory SG Flensburg-Handewitt are preparing for their opening clash in the VELUX EHF Champions League against Montpellier HB Thu, 27 Sep 2012 13:40:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015486 27.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015486 Mamelund back in Flensburg, but in a different uniform http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015522/Mamelund+back+in+Flensburg%2c+but+in+a+different+uniform Erlend Mamelund speaks to ehfCL.com ahead of Montpellier's clash with his old club Flensburg Thu, 27 Sep 2012 12:50:26 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015522 27.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015522 Mijatović as last Dinamo Minsk reinforcement http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015515/Mijatovi%c4%87+as+last+Dinamo+Minsk+reinforcement The 31 year old goalkeeper makes a move to Minsk Thu, 27 Sep 2012 00:03:17 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015515 27.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015515 Metalurg sign Vugrinec http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015516/Metalurg+sign+Vugrinec Just before their first trip in the new season of the VELUX EHF Champions League, the team from Skopje bolstered their squad with the signing of experienced Slovenian Wed, 26 Sep 2012 23:53:01 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015516 26.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015516 Countdown part 24: Dinamo Minsk http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015510/Countdown+part+24%3a+Dinamo+Minsk Major changes in the team of Sergiy Bebeshko and hopes of reaching the knock-out stage Wed, 26 Sep 2012 23:09:22 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015510 26.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015510 Focus on future, not history http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015520/Focus+on+future%2c+not+history Croat legend Ivano Balić talks about his transfer to Madrid and about the upcoming season - first part of interview before the first Match of the Week of the new season Wed, 26 Sep 2012 20:52:20 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015520 26.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015520 Dissinger back for Kadetten http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015518/Dissinger+back+for+Kadetten Young German returned in Schaffhausen’s squad after eleven-month injury break Wed, 26 Sep 2012 16:52:23 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015518 26.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015518 VELUX EHF Champions League Round 1 preview http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015511/VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+Round+1+preview Before the throw-off of the VELUX EHF Champions League here is a run down of the upcoming games Wed, 26 Sep 2012 16:37:34 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015511 26.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015511 Countdown part 23: HCM Constanta (ROU) http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015508/Countdown+part+23%3a+HCM+Constanta+(ROU) Can international experience and a new coach lead the Romanian champions to the Last 16? Tue, 25 Sep 2012 16:34:23 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015508 25.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015508 Countdown part 22: HSV Hamburg http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015494/Countdown+part+22%3a+HSV+Hamburg The three-time VELUX EHF Champions League semi-finalists are going “back to their roots” after struggling through qualifying for the Group Phase. Mon, 24 Sep 2012 21:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015494 24.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015494 Countdown part 21: HC Metalurg Skopje http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015493/Countdown+part+21%3a+HC+Metalurg+Skopje Reaching the Last 16 is the minimum target and the making quarter-finals is their dream – Macedonian double winners count on their defence and the experience of their coach Sun, 23 Sep 2012 19:19:21 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015493 23.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015493 Countdown part 20: RK Partizan Beograd http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015492/Countdown+part+20%3a+RK+Partizan+Beograd Serbian champions hope for their first points in the Group Phase of the VELUX EHF Champions League Sat, 22 Sep 2012 17:22:53 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015492 22.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015492 Countdown part 19: RK Croatia Osiguranje Zagreb http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015489/Countdown+part+19%3a+RK+Croatia+Osiguranje+Zagreb The rejuvenated Croatian champions are aiming for the knock-out stage in their 19th VELUX EHF Champions League season Fri, 21 Sep 2012 18:24:01 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015489 21.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015489 Countdown part 18: MKB Veszprém KC http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015480/Countdown+part+18%3a+MKB+Veszpr%c3%a9m+KC The Hungarian side aiming high in the VELUX EHF Champions League Thu, 20 Sep 2012 15:17:05 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015480 20.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015480 All matches of new season live http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015473/All+matches+of+new+season+live "Rewind - the handball show" brings stories and highlights from all Men´s top matches Wed, 19 Sep 2012 13:57:21 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015473 19.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015473 Countdown part 17: Kadetten Schaffhausen http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015470/Countdown+part+17%3a+Kadetten+Schaffhausen Spanish reinforcement, but tough opponents in the VELUX EHF Champions League Group Phase for Swiss club Wed, 19 Sep 2012 13:21:13 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015470 19.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015470 Schedule of first seven MOTW released http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015472/Schedule+of+first+seven+MOTW+released Tom O’Brannagain launches new season with re-match of last final Wed, 19 Sep 2012 13:13:02 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015472 19.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015472 Countdown part 16 : Gorenje Velenje (SLO) http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015469/Countdown+part+16+%3a+Gorenje+Velenje+(SLO) The young Slovenians are flying high and are hope for success Tue, 18 Sep 2012 18:21:17 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015469 18.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015469 THW Kiel's winning run ends after 501 days http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015460/THW+Kiel%27s+winning+run+ends+after+501+days Füchse Berlin tie with THW Kiel to bring to an end an impressive run by the defending VELUX EHF Champions League champions Mon, 17 Sep 2012 16:24:19 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015460 17.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015460 Kadetten keeper out of action http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015459/Kadetten+keeper+out+of+action Remo Quadrelli suffers stress fracture in the foot Mon, 17 Sep 2012 16:01:41 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015459 17.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015459 Countdown, part 15: Pick Szeged http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015454/Countdown%2c+part+15%3a+Pick+Szeged A tough group last season meant they just missed out on qualifying for the Last 16 in the 2011/2012 VELUX EHF Champions League, but Pick Szeged are aiming high this season. Mon, 17 Sep 2012 12:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015454 17.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015454 Countdown 13: IK Sävehof http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015453/Countdown+13%3a+IK+S%c3%a4vehof Despite being well seeded Sävehof will face stiff competition – new coach Magnus Johansson sees this as a challenge Sun, 16 Sep 2012 19:40:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015453 16.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015453 Countdown part 14: St Petersburg HC http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015449/Countdown+part+14%3a+St+Petersburg+HC New team and old objectives at the Baltic Sea: Despite major changes the Russian runners-up are aiming for the Last 16 Sun, 16 Sep 2012 13:10:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015449 16.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015449 Montpellier break records in French League http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015448/Montpellier+break+records+in+French+League VELUX EHF Champions League participant is warming up before the new season Fri, 14 Sep 2012 14:22:44 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015448 14.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015448 Countdown, part 12: Montpellier Agglomeration HB http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015447/Countdown%2c+part+12%3a+Montpellier+Agglomeration+HB Cologne dream is still alive for French champions Fri, 14 Sep 2012 12:38:56 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015447 14.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015447 First derby of season without winner http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015441/First+derby+of+season+without+winner After one year Atlason will meet well-known three teams in the VELUX EHF Champions League again Fri, 14 Sep 2012 11:44:50 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015441 14.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015441 Three questions to Talant Dujshebaev http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015446/Three+questions+to+Talant+Dujshebaev The coach of Atletico Madrid is glad to have strong teams in the Group Phase of the VELUX EHF Champions League. Fri, 14 Sep 2012 10:28:55 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015446 14.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015446 All club managers meet at workshop http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015444/All+club+managers+meet+at+workshop Exactly two weeks before the start of the new season of the VELUX EHF Champions League Thu, 13 Sep 2012 21:49:34 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015444 13.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015444 Countdown part 11: Chekhovskie Medvedi http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015442/Countdown+part+11%3a+Chekhovskie+Medvedi Lucky number 13: The Russian champions are dreaming of a return to Cologne Thu, 13 Sep 2012 17:10:11 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015442 13.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015442 Countdown part 10: Atlético Madrid http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015439/Countdown+part+10%3a+Atl%c3%a9tico+Madrid Recent winners of IHF Super Globe dream about another final of VELUX EHF Champions League Wed, 12 Sep 2012 17:28:10 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015439 12.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015439 Partizan in tough Group C http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015437/Partizan+in+tough+Group+C Serbian outfit make their way back to the VELUX EHF Champions League Wed, 12 Sep 2012 14:51:06 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015437 12.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015437 New-look Zagreb aiming for giddy heights http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015438/New-look+Zagreb+aiming+for+giddy+heights Croatian champions out to rekindle past glory Wed, 12 Sep 2012 14:18:29 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015438 12.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015438 Barcelona win first trophy of the season http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015435/Barcelona+win+first+trophy+of+the+season The record winner of the VELUX EHF Champions League will try to break the curse of the Supercopa holders Wed, 12 Sep 2012 12:58:34 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015435 12.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015435 Pascual stays in Barca for two more years http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015433/Pascual+stays+in+Barca+for+two+more+years The successful coach signed a contract extension until 2014/15 Tue, 11 Sep 2012 20:37:05 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015433 11.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015433 Countdown part 9: Reale Ademar León http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015428/Countdown+part+9%3a+Reale+Ademar+Le%c3%b3n The return of Cadenas and complete squad reconstruction Tue, 11 Sep 2012 12:47:35 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015428 11.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015428 Wenta: “The FINAL4 would be a dream come true” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015425/Wenta%3a+%e2%80%9cThe+FINAL4+would+be+a+dream+come+true%e2%80%9d Three questions before the start of the new season of the VELUX EHF Champions League to Kielce´s coach Bogdan Wenta. Tue, 11 Sep 2012 10:13:46 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015425 11.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015425 Trophée des Champions: Fall of the reigning champion http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015424/Troph%c3%a9e+des+Champions%3a+Fall+of+the+reigning+champion Both French participants of the VELUX EHF Champions League failed to live up to expectations at the tournament. Mon, 10 Sep 2012 19:44:32 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015424 10.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015424 Countdown, part 8: Vive Targi Kielce http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015421/Countdown%2c+part+8%3a+Vive+Targi+Kielce Top reinforcement to get one step closer to Cologne Mon, 10 Sep 2012 14:46:31 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015421 10.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015421 Countdown, part 7: SG Flensburg-Handewitt http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015417/Countdown%2c+part+7%3a+SG+Flensburg-Handewitt Northern stars want to rise again. Sun, 09 Sep 2012 22:24:58 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015417 09.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015417 Countdown 6: Chambery Savoie http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015416/Countdown+6%3a+Chambery+Savoie Starting the Group Stage of the VELUX EHF Champions League with two more Gille brothers and a new coach. Benjamin welcoming elder siblings. Sat, 08 Sep 2012 23:30:39 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015416 08.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015416 Countdown part 5: RK Pivovarna Laško Celje http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015409/Countdown+part+5%3a+RK+Pivovarna+La%c5%a1ko+Celje VELUX EHF Champions League: Young guns looking to compete with Europe's elite Fri, 07 Sep 2012 11:07:50 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015409 07.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015409 Countdown part 4: Bjerringbro-Silkeborg http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015404/Countdown+part+4%3a+Bjerringbro-Silkeborg Ambition to show they have learnt their lesson in the VELUX EHF Champions League Thu, 06 Sep 2012 09:53:59 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015404 06.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015404 Countdown part 3: Füchse Berlin http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015403/Countdown+part+3%3a+F%c3%bcchse+Berlin International reinforcement in the German capital before the new campaign in the VELUX EHF Champions League starts Wed, 05 Sep 2012 10:58:30 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015403 05.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015403 Gislason pleased with difficult draw http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015400/Gislason+pleased+with+difficult+draw Coach of THW Kiel predicts the new season of the VELUX EHF Champions League will be tighter than ever before Tue, 04 Sep 2012 13:44:40 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015400 04.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015400 Countdown part 2: FC Barcelona Intersport http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015399/Countdown+part+2%3a+FC+Barcelona+Intersport Record winners aiming back to VELUX EHF FINAL4 Tue, 04 Sep 2012 11:14:11 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015399 04.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015399 Countdown part 1: THW Kiel http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015398/Countdown+part+1%3a+THW+Kiel German titleholders look to defend Bundesliga and VELUX EHF Champions League trophies Mon, 03 Sep 2012 19:20:30 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015398 03.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015398 Gorenje defeats Celje in first clash of season http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015396/Gorenje+defeats+Celje+in+first+clash+of+season VELUX EHF Champions League teams meet in the Slovenian Super Cup Mon, 03 Sep 2012 16:56:48 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015396 03.09.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015396 Prieto goes to Switzerland http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015382/Prieto+goes+to+Switzerland Carlos Prieto joins the VELUX EHF Champions League participant Kadetten Schaffhausen Wed, 29 Aug 2012 10:01:29 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015382 29.08.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015382 AG captain joins Flensburg http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015376/AG+captain+joins+Flensburg Icelandic international Arnor Atlason will be playing VELUX EHF Champions League in the coming season Mon, 27 Aug 2012 10:32:19 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015376 27.08.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015376 THW Kiel sign Swedish Olympic star http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015375/THW+Kiel+sign+Swedish+Olympic+star Niclas Ekberg confirms move to VELUX EHF Champions League champions Sun, 26 Aug 2012 11:14:08 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015375 26.08.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015375 SG Flensburg-Handewitt back in VELUX EHF Champions League http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015364/SG+Flensburg-Handewitt+back+in+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League Reigning Cup Winners' Cup champions looking forward to return to Europe's premier club competition Fri, 24 Aug 2012 16:43:25 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015364 24.08.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015364 Sigurdsson extends contract to 2017 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015372/Sigurdsson+extends+contract+to+2017 Füchse Berlin coach will stay in charge for another five years Fri, 24 Aug 2012 15:50:22 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015372 24.08.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015372 Balic joins BM Atletico Madrid http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015365/Balic+joins+BM+Atletico+Madrid After not getting a contract in Zagreb, Ivano Balic is to sign a one year contract with BM Atletico Madrid. Thu, 23 Aug 2012 14:44:58 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015365 23.08.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015365 Mariusz Jurasik retires http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015358/Mariusz+Jurasik+retires Mariusz Jurasik stays with Vive Targi Kielce as youth coordinator Tue, 21 Aug 2012 16:05:01 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015358 21.08.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015358 A new season for high-flyers THW Kiel http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015345/A+new+season+for+high-flyers+THW+Kiel THW Kiel are the team to beat as they look to defend their VELUX EHF Champions League title Mon, 20 Aug 2012 16:46:18 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015345 20.08.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015345 Gudjon Valur Sigurdsson: THW Kiel always want to win titles http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015344/Gudjon+Valur+Sigurdsson%3a+THW+Kiel+always+want+to+win+titles Newcomer Gudjon Valur Sigurdsson talks about his future at the German top club Mon, 20 Aug 2012 12:43:51 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015344 20.08.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015344 Bjerringbro Silkeborg make new signing http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015333/Bjerringbro+Silkeborg+make+new+signing Henrik Toft Hansen moves to Danish VELUX EHF Champions League side Tue, 14 Aug 2012 11:37:03 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015333 14.08.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015333 New goalkeeper for Zagreb http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015316/New+goalkeeper+for+Zagreb Mario Kelentrić returns to Zagreb and helps developing a young team Mon, 06 Aug 2012 11:22:29 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015316 06.08.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015316 Dreaming of a new title http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015310/Dreaming+of+a+new+title "The players were well prepared and in good shape when they came to our annual gathering," explained Branko Tamše. Fri, 03 Aug 2012 10:23:12 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015310 03.08.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015310 Veszprem confirm Nagy transfer http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015306/Veszprem+confirm+Nagy+transfer The Hungarian side sign the world class right back. Wed, 01 Aug 2012 15:10:41 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015306 01.08.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015306 Ademar Leon with new challenges http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015301/Ademar+Leon+with+new+challenges After nine players left Ademar Leon, the club is trying to build a competitive team for the upcoming season Mon, 30 Jul 2012 10:05:31 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015301 30.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015301 Youngsters with high ambitions http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015297/Youngsters+with+high+ambitions The young team with few experienced players (Perić, Žvižej, Toskić) will try to qualify for the Last 16. Wed, 25 Jul 2012 14:41:45 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015297 25.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015297 Dominik Klein: We want to prove that we belong on top http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015284/Dominik+Klein%3a+We+want+to+prove+that+we+belong+on+top We do not have a lot of preparation games ahead of us, but in Qatar we will all be together and will work to become a good team. Mon, 23 Jul 2012 16:35:01 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015284 23.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015284 Barcelona signs Gurbindo http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015283/Barcelona+signs+Gurbindo The left-handed player from Pamplona began his professional career in SDC Portland San Antonio who won the EHF Champions League in 2000/01 Mon, 23 Jul 2012 14:09:12 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015283 23.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015283 Rutenka honoured in Spain http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015269/Rutenka+honoured+in+Spain The Belarusian left back is the third Barca player to be awarded with prize Wed, 18 Jul 2012 15:58:05 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015269 18.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015269 Laszlo Nagy will see out contract at F.C. Barcelona http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015265/Laszlo+Nagy+will+see+out+contract+at+F.C.+Barcelona The Hungarian will stay in Spain until the end of his contract Wed, 18 Jul 2012 14:31:02 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015265 18.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015265 Berlin preparing for VELUX EHF Champions League http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015266/Berlin+preparing+for+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League The German side are in Iceland ahead of a new season of handball in Europe Wed, 18 Jul 2012 14:30:18 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015266 18.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015266 SG Flensburg-Handewitt: No problems with squad numbers http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015264/SG+Flensburg-Handewitt%3a+No+problems+with+squad+numbers The German side have plenty of new options in their ranks, like Steffen Weinhold from TV Großwallstadt and Maik Machulla from ASV Hamm Tue, 17 Jul 2012 18:02:36 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015264 17.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015264 Filip Jicha stays in Kiel http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015261/Filip+Jicha+stays+in+Kiel In the past season, the Czech scored 340 goals for the triple winner THW Kiel Tue, 17 Jul 2012 13:03:01 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015261 17.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015261 THW Kiel start their preparation http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015257/THW+Kiel+start+their+preparation Gislason will start the first practice sessions with only seven professionals Tue, 17 Jul 2012 09:21:52 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015257 17.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015257 Manolo Cadenas is back at Ademar Leon http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015258/Manolo+Cadenas+is+back+at+Ademar+Leon Leon has seen a lot of players move on from the club over the summer and has to reform the team for the upcoming season Tue, 17 Jul 2012 09:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015258 17.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015258 Chekhovskie Medvedi ready for the new season http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015254/Chekhovskie+Medvedi+ready+for+the+new+season Chekhovskie Medvedi will play in Group A of the VELUX EHF Champions League Mon, 16 Jul 2012 13:16:01 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015254 16.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015254 Squad changes for Zagreb http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015237/Squad+changes+for+Zagreb The Croatian side sees the arrival of two reinforcements Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:31:01 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015237 12.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015237 Kadetten Schaffhausen sign young Croatian talent http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015230/Kadetten+Schaffhausen+sign+young+Croatian+talent The Swiss outfit add Marko Mamic to their ranks Tue, 10 Jul 2012 15:35:40 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015230 10.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015230 Draw results - VELUX EHF Champions League http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015212/Draw+results+-+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League The draw for the VELUX EHF Champions League Group Phase was made at the headquarters of adidas in Herzogenaurach, Germany, on Friday, 6th July 2012. Fri, 06 Jul 2012 22:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015212 06.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015212 Reactions to the draw - VELUX EHF Champions League http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015214/Reactions+to+the+draw+-+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League Reactions to the draw of the Group Phase of the VELUX EHF Champions League. Fri, 06 Jul 2012 22:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015214 06.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015214 BM Atletico de Madrid: New faces but the same goals http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015204/BM+Atletico+de+Madrid%3a+New+faces+but+the+same+goals Spanish side looking to match last season's good performances Thu, 05 Jul 2012 13:15:01 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015204 05.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015204 VELUX EHF Champions League Group Phase draw http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015195/VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+Group+Phase+draw 24 team will be drawn into groups to battle it out for a chance to play at the VELUX EHF FINAL4 Wed, 04 Jul 2012 14:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015195 04.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015195 Romero: "When I play for Atlético I want to win titles" http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015193/Romero%3a+%22When+I+play+for+Atl%c3%a9tico+I+want+to+win+titles%22 Big chances in Atlético Madrid's squad for the 2012/2013 season Wed, 04 Jul 2012 09:25:51 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015193 04.07.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/015193