en European Handball Federation http://www.eurohandball.com Handball stories, news and interviews Thu, 13 Mar 2025 01:05:57 GMT Thu, 13 Mar 2025 01:05:57 GMT www.eurohandball.com Content Copyright by the European Handball Federation and EHF Marketing (c) 1994-2025 office@eurohandball.com European Handball Federation http://www.eurohandball.com 0 0 Pisonero: “My goal is to keep Vardar on the same level” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032909/Pisonero%3a+%e2%80%9cMy+goal+is+to+keep+Vardar+on+the+same+level%e2%80%9d INTERVIEW: Vardar have signed a Spanish head coach for the third straight time as David Pisonero will try to repeat what Raul Gonzalez and Roberto Parrondo achieved before him: winning the VELUX EHF Champions League Fri, 14 Jun 2019 15:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032909 14.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032909 Sponsors reap rewards at VELUX EHF FINAL4 2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032889/Sponsors+reap+rewards+at+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+2019 MEDIA RELEASE: Extensive marketing and promotion opportunities for a full house of sponsors and partners at the 10th edition of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 in Cologne Tue, 11 Jun 2019 13:09:36 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032889 11.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032889 Crvenkoska: “Vardar are a family, it doesn’t matter if you are a woman or a man” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032869/Crvenkoska%3a+%e2%80%9cVardar+are+a+family%2c+it+doesn%e2%80%99t+matter+if+you+are+a+woman+or+a+man%e2%80%9d INTERVIEW: Vardar’s golden triumph last weekend has made assistant coach Biljana Crvenkoska the first woman who helps a men’s team win the VELUX EHF Champions League Wed, 05 Jun 2019 17:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032869 05.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032869 Anniversary VELUX EHF FINAL4 beats all records in media coverage http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032867/Anniversary+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+beats+all+records+in+media+coverage MEDIA RELEASE: The highlight event of the men’s club handball season has once again proved its status as the benchmark event of European indoor sports with potential reach of the media coverage from Cologne exceeding a billion people worldwide Wed, 05 Jun 2019 12:03:47 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032867 05.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032867 Tens of thousands join heroic Vardar’s midnight party http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032862/Tens+of+thousands+join+heroic+Vardar%e2%80%99s+midnight+party NEWS: HC Vardar were treated to a hero’s welcome as they returned to Skopje with their second VELUX EHF Champions League trophy in three years Tue, 04 Jun 2019 12:00:43 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032862 04.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032862 10 talking points after the 10th EHF FINAL4 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032861/10+talking+points+after+the+10th+EHF+FINAL4 TALKING POINTS: A great season in the VELUX EHF Champions League has come to an end after a thrilling weekend in Cologne. It was the 10th anniversary of the EHF FINAL4 and it truly was a special edition Mon, 03 Jun 2019 18:40:36 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032861 03.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032861 Vardar’s triumph makes headlines around the world http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032860/Vardar%e2%80%99s+triumph+makes+headlines+around+the+world MEDIA COVERAGE: The Macedonian side’s outstanding achievement at the VELUX EHF FINAL4 this weekend has enthralled fans as well as newspapers worldwide Mon, 03 Jun 2019 13:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032860 03.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032860 Wiederer: “VELUX EHF FINAL4 is unique in European sports” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032859/Wiederer%3a+%e2%80%9cVELUX+EHF+FINAL4+is+unique+in+European+sports%e2%80%9d INTERVIEW: The unicorn, the cathedral and the master plan: EHF President Michael Wiederer speaks about 10 years of VELUX EHF FINAL4, the strategy for the future and the implementation of the new marketing agreement Mon, 03 Jun 2019 11:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032859 03.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032859 Tears of joy resound in best quotes from Cologne http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032858/Tears+of+joy+resound+in+best+quotes+from+Cologne TOP 5 QUOTES: The VELUX EHF Champions League 2018/19 got an incredible finish last weekend and for once nearly all best quotes we have selected come from just one team, champions Vardar Mon, 03 Jun 2019 10:10:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032858 03.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032858 Two trophies, two emotions, two stories http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032857/Two+trophies%2c+two+emotions%2c+two+stories FEATURE: Igor Karacic was awarded MVP of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 2019, while Alex Dujshebaev finished as the season’s top scorer, with 99 goals Sun, 02 Jun 2019 22:09:06 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032857 02.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032857 Vardar extend miracle story with second trophy http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032847/Vardar+extend+miracle+story+with+second+trophy FINAL REVIEW: The Macedonian side became Champions League winners again, while Veszprém lost their fourth final in the top-flight competition and remain without a title after a 24:27 defeat Sun, 02 Jun 2019 20:29:19 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032847 02.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032847 Handball stars weigh in on VELUX EHF FINAL4 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032833/Handball+stars+weigh+in+on+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4 FEATURE: The VELUX EHF FINAL4 sees a number of former and current stars of the game travel to Cologne. We caught up with some of the biggest names at the 10th edition to ask what they think of the event Sun, 02 Jun 2019 18:15:41 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032833 02.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032833 All-time high score with happy ending for Barça http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032835/All-time+high+score+with+happy+ending+for+Bar%c3%a7a BRONZE-MEDAL MATCH REVIEW: Pure entertainment, speed and goals galore as Barça beat Kielce 40:35 and claim third spot on the season’s final ranking Sun, 02 Jun 2019 17:28:29 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032835 02.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032835 Hundreds queue for 2020 tickets, online sales launch on Monday http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032831/Hundreds+queue+for+2020+tickets%2c+online+sales+launch+on+Monday NEWS: Although the celebrations for the 10th anniversary of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 have just started, most fans are already planning their next trip to Cologne, in 2020 Sun, 02 Jun 2019 11:50:43 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032831 02.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032831 The Score: overcoming obstacles, handling pressure and constantly growing http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032829/The+Score%3a+overcoming+obstacles%2c+handling+pressure+and+constantly+growing INTERVIEW: With music that ties in with themes and experiences similar to those the VELUX EHF FINAL4 teams face, American band The Score will get LANXESS arena rocking. Sun, 02 Jun 2019 09:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032829 02.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032829 Parrondo or Davis – who will make history? http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032826/Parrondo+or+Davis+%e2%80%93+who+will+make+history%3f FINAL PREVIEW: While Vardar want to raise their second trophy, Veszprém hope to end their final curse in the farewell match for Laszlo Nagy and Momir Ilic Sat, 01 Jun 2019 23:12:51 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032826 01.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032826 A question of head and heart http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032825/A+question+of+head+and+heart BRONZE-MEDAL MATCH PREVIEW: Kielce and Barça Lassa duel for the last victory of the season, as Alex Dujshebaev fights for the top scorer trophy Sat, 01 Jun 2019 22:46:39 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032825 01.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032825 10 years of EHF FINAL4 “super fans” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032802/10+years+of+EHF+FINAL4+%e2%80%9csuper+fans%e2%80%9d FEATURE: In 2010, four French handball fans made their first trip to the VELUX EHF FINAL4 in Cologne. 10 editions later, they are still here. Sat, 01 Jun 2019 21:12:38 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032802 01.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032802 Sensational Vardar turn seven-goal deficit into final ticket http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032814/Sensational+Vardar+turn+seven-goal+deficit+into+final+ticket SEMI-FINAL REVIEW: 10 goals from Dainis Kristopans and an incredible fighting spirit extended the series of VELUX EHF FINAL4 surprises, as Barça Lassa let a clear advantage slip through their fingers Sat, 01 Jun 2019 20:41:59 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032814 01.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032814 12 Nenadic goals pave Veszprém’s way to fourth final http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032803/12+Nenadic+goals+pave+Veszpr%c3%a9m%e2%80%99s+way+to+fourth+final SEMI-FINAL REVIEW: Despite an early injury to goalkeeping legend Arpad Sterbik, coach David Davis' team beat Kielce in the opening semi-final, taking revenge for the 2016 trophy match Sat, 01 Jun 2019 17:29:06 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032803 01.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032803 The Locker Room Show: Dissinger the telepath and Mahe’s boy band http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032799/The+Locker+Room+Show%3a+Dissinger+the+telepath+and+Mahe%e2%80%99s+boy+band FEATURE: What did players from the four VELUX EHF FINAL4 teams discuss in this year's Locker Room Show? Sat, 01 Jun 2019 12:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032799 01.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032799 Momir Ilic: 'Cologne means everything to me' http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032798/Momir+Ilic%3a+%27Cologne+means+everything+to+me%27 INTERVIEW: Telekom Veszprém's Momir Ilic takes to the court today for his eighth VELUX EHF FINAL4 - and the end of his playing career Sat, 01 Jun 2019 10:34:01 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032798 01.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032798 Future of handball comes under the spotlight in Cologne http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032795/Future+of+handball+comes+under+the+spotlight+in+Cologne NEWS: The third European Handball Talks were held on Friday at Flora Cologne on the fringe of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 2019, with two panel discussions featuring expert guests Sat, 01 Jun 2019 09:12:17 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032795 01.06.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032795 Handball's biggest weekend begins for thousands of devoted fans http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032787/Handball%27s+biggest+weekend+begins+for+thousands+of+devoted+fans NEWS: As the VELUX EHF FINAL4 weekend comes round once more, it’s time for the opening party. Fri, 31 May 2019 22:10:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032787 31.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032787 Aron Palmarsson: 'You have achieved a lot already when you make it here' http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032791/Aron+Palmarsson%3a+%27You+have+achieved+a+lot+already+when+you+make+it+here%27 INTERVIEW: Aron Palmarsson and Momir Ilic have both appeared at the VELUX EHF FINAL4 a record eight times. In the first of two interviews, Palmarsson looks back at his experience. Fri, 31 May 2019 20:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032791 31.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032791 Ball of Fame unveiled in Cologne http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032782/Ball+of+Fame+unveiled+in+Cologne NEWS: The ‘Ball of Fame’ handball monument has been unveiled on the grounds of the LANXESS arena in Cologne to honour previous winners of the VELUX EHF Champions League Fri, 31 May 2019 19:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032782 31.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032782 Stars in the sun and a family gathering http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032777/Stars+in+the+sun+and+a+family+gathering FEATURE: Journalists from around Europe mingled with coaches and players from the VELUX EHF FINAL4 teams to get a feel of their expectations a day before the tournament throws off in Cologne Fri, 31 May 2019 15:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032777 31.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032777 Vardar dominate VELUX EHF Champions League All-star Team http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032765/Vardar+dominate+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+All-star+Team NEWS: Four HC Vardar players and their coach Roberto García Parrondo have won places in this year’s VELUX EHF Champions League All-star Team, alongside five others who impressed this season Fri, 31 May 2019 12:04:06 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032765 31.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032765 Record winners look to bounce back after 2017 defeat http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032762/Record+winners+look+to+bounce+back+after+2017+defeat SEMI-FINAL PREVIEW: Barça Lassa need to beat Vardar for a third time this season to have a chance of becoming the first team to lift the VELUX EHF FINAL4 trophy three times Fri, 31 May 2019 09:30:59 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032762 31.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032762 Another Sterbik success story or a family fairytale? http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032761/Another+Sterbik+success+story+or+a+family+fairytale%3f SEMI-FINAL PREVIEW: Veszprém’s goalkeeper is eying a fifth trophy, while former coach Talant Dujshebaev hopes for a father-and-son fairytale with Kielce Fri, 31 May 2019 09:01:29 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032761 31.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032761 Vardar’s extended stopover and Dujshebaev with all luggage – the four teams are in Cologne! http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032763/Vardar%e2%80%99s+extended+stopover+and+Dujshebaev+with+all+luggage+%e2%80%93+the+four+teams+are+in+Cologne! NEWS: All the semi-finalist teams have finally arrived in Cologne, despite the VELUX EHF Champions League 2016/17 winners’ flight being cancelled Thu, 30 May 2019 22:45:58 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032763 30.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032763 Tickets for VELUX EHF FINAL4 2020 go on sale http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032759/Tickets+for+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+2020+go+on+sale NEWS: Fans visiting the annual highlight of European club handball in Cologne this weekend can already secure their places for next year’s event, while the online ticket sale starts Monday morning Thu, 30 May 2019 13:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032759 30.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032759 Ciudad Real president: “Davis and Parrondo have the Dujshebaev spirit” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032755/Ciudad+Real+president%3a+%e2%80%9cDavis+and+Parrondo+have+the+Dujshebaev+spirit%e2%80%9d INTERVIEW: The current coaches of VELUX EHF FINAL4 participants Kielce, Vardar and Veszprém were all part of Ciudad Real when the Spanish side won their third EHF Champions League title in 2009. The former club’s president looks back Wed, 29 May 2019 15:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032755 29.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032755 Global reach and new TV features for VELUX EHF FINAL4 2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032751/Global+reach+and+new+TV+features+for+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+2019 MEDIA RELEASE: Millions of handball fans around the world will be able to watch the action from LANXESS arena, as the VELUX EHF FINAL4 will be broadcast live on TV in more than 110 territories across the globe Wed, 29 May 2019 10:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032751 29.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032751 After Hungarian title, Manaskov wants Champions League trophy http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032750/After+Hungarian+title%2c+Manaskov+wants+Champions+League+trophy FEATURE: After joining Veszprém in 2017, Dejan Manaskov’s dream is coming true as the left wing will appear in his first VELUX EHF FINAL4 this weekend Wed, 29 May 2019 10:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032750 29.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032750 Fans in Cologne await various highlights even before throw-off http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032748/Fans+in+Cologne+await+various+highlights+even+before+throw-off NEWS: Even a day before the first ball will be thrown at the LANXESS arena, fans can get actively involved in the entertainment programme of the 10th edition of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 2019 while the Ball of Frame will be unveiled Wed, 29 May 2019 10:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032748 29.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032748 X marks the spot http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032746/X+marks+the+spot BLOG: ehfTV commentator Tom O'Brannagain has lived and breathed the VELUX EHF FINAL4 since its very first event and there is no better man to set the scene for our tenth trip to Cologne Tue, 28 May 2019 15:40:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032746 28.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032746 Parrondo: “We are a better team now than when we played Barça before” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032747/Parrondo%3a+%e2%80%9cWe+are+a+better+team+now+than+when+we+played+Bar%c3%a7a+before%e2%80%9d INTERVIEW: His task seemed everything but easy after his arrival at the start of the season, but coach Roberto Parrondo has led Vardar to their third straight appearance at the VELUX EHF FINAL4 Tue, 28 May 2019 14:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032747 28.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032747 Nagy: “We are not content with only being here” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032745/Nagy%3a+%e2%80%9cWe+are+not+content+with+only+being+here%e2%80%9d INTERVIEW: Retiring as a player at the end of the season, László Nagy has one more chance to help Veszprém win the VELUX EHF Champions League Tue, 28 May 2019 11:27:17 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032745 28.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032745 10 reasons this season will be the 10th success for Barça http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032744/10+reasons+this+season+will+be+the+10th+success+for+Bar%c3%a7a FIRST-HAND INSIGHT: Barça Lassa have been chasing their 10th success in Europe's top flight since 2015, and this season might be the right one. We outline 10 reasons why Tue, 28 May 2019 09:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032744 28.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032744 Fabregas: Winning a second straight Champions League title would mean a lot http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032743/Fabregas%3a+Winning+a+second+straight+Champions+League+title+would+mean+a+lot INTERVIEW: In 2017, Ivan Cupic became the first player to win back-to-back VELUX EHF FINAL4s. This year, only Ludovic Fabregas has the chance to become the second, when he fights for the trophy with Barça Mon, 27 May 2019 15:47:33 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032743 27.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032743 Davis: “I love this job and I want to spread my passion” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032742/Davis%3a+%e2%80%9cI+love+this+job+and+I+want+to+spread+my+passion%e2%80%9d INTERVIEW: What Veszprém coach David Davis has changed since his arrival and why he, like all Hungarian handball fans, hopes for the trophy at the VELUX EHF FINAL4 Mon, 27 May 2019 11:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032742 27.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032742 10 reasons why Vardar will do it again http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032741/10+reasons+why+Vardar+will+do+it+again FIRST HAND INSIGHT: Been there, done that. Vardar have lifted the VELUX EHF Champions League trophy in 2017 and there are enough reasons to believe they could go all the way again this time Mon, 27 May 2019 10:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032741 27.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032741 Four champions fight for the title in Cologne http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032740/Four+champions+fight+for+the+title+in+Cologne NEWS: All four teams that will take part in the VELUX EHF FINAL 4 next weekend in Cologne clinched their domestic titles this season Sun, 26 May 2019 20:22:50 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032740 26.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032740 10 reasons why this will finally be Veszprém’s year http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032735/10+reasons+why+this+will+finally+be+Veszpr%c3%a9m%e2%80%99s+year FIRST-HAND INSIGHT: A brilliant coach, the best goalkeeper duo and cohesiveness in the team are just some of the reasons why Telekom Veszprém HC will finally win the VELUX EHF Champions League this year Sun, 26 May 2019 13:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032735 26.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032735 A trophy as a birthday present? “Just wait!” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032734/A+trophy+as+a+birthday+present%3f+%e2%80%9cJust+wait!%e2%80%9d INTERVIEW: Talant Dujshebaev can make history on his fifth appearance at the VELUX EHF FINAL4 – in several different ways Sun, 26 May 2019 11:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032734 26.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032734 10 questions for 10 years of the EHF FINAL4 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032733/10+questions+for+10+years+of+the+EHF+FINAL4 QUIZ: The biggest weekend in European club handball is just days away. While we countdown to the VELUX EHF FINAL4 2019 in Cologne, test your knowledge of the event Sun, 26 May 2019 09:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032733 26.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032733 Pascual: “More than with the results, I’m glad with how we play” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032731/Pascual%3a+%e2%80%9cMore+than+with+the+results%2c+I%e2%80%99m+glad+with+how+we+play%e2%80%9d INTERVIEW: Near the end of the season where he celebrated his 10th anniversary on the club’s bench, Barça Lassa coach Xavi Pascual hopes to guide the Spanish side to a third VELUX EHF Champions League title, after 2011 and 2015 Sat, 25 May 2019 11:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032731 25.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032731 10 reasons Kielce will clinch the trophy http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032730/10+reasons+Kielce+will+clinch+the+trophy FIRST-HAND INSIGHT: Kielce may be the underdogs in Cologne, but the VELUX EHF FINAL4 has shown more than once that teams in that position can thrive under the apparent lack of pressure Sat, 25 May 2019 09:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032730 25.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032730 Milosavljev: “My teammates are the biggest heroes I know” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032732/Milosavljev%3a+%e2%80%9cMy+teammates+are+the+biggest+heroes+I+know%e2%80%9d INTERVIEW: Dejan Milosavljev has been one of the biggest discoveries of the VELUX EHF Champions League season, and he hopes to end his first year in the top-flight competition the best way possible Fri, 24 May 2019 12:30:41 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032732 24.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032732 Janc: “We already know we will return proud, no matter what happens” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032725/Janc%3a+%e2%80%9cWe+already+know+we+will+return+proud%2c+no+matter+what+happens%e2%80%9d INTERVIEW: At just 22, Kielce’s Blaz Janc already has seven years’ experience in the VELUX EHF Champions League. The world-class Slovenian talent is looking forward to his first taste of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 Fri, 24 May 2019 09:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032725 24.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032725 Strengthening the handball brand – but at what price? http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032726/Strengthening+the+handball+brand+%e2%80%93+but+at+what+price%3f The European Handball Talks, taking place ahead of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 in Cologne, is set to provide the answers Thu, 23 May 2019 14:56:49 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032726 23.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032726 Perez de Vargas’ past experiences hold the key to success http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032724/Perez+de+Vargas%e2%80%99+past+experiences+hold+the+key+to+success FEATURE: Barça Lassa goalkeeper is certain his side will arrive in Cologne with the confidence to win the VELUX EHF FINAL4 Thu, 23 May 2019 11:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032724 23.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032724 Strlek: It’s a privilege to play at the VELUX EHF FINAL4 again http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032722/Strlek%3a+It%e2%80%99s+a+privilege+to+play+at+the+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+again INTERVIEW: Croatian international Manuel Strlek is no stranger to the VELUX EHF FINAL4, having won the title with Kielce in 2016. This year he will take on his former team in the semi-final, playing for Veszprém Thu, 23 May 2019 09:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032722 23.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032722 Petrus: “Team with best defence will win” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032721/Petrus%3a+%e2%80%9cTeam+with+best+defence+will+win%e2%80%9d FEATURE: The defender who joined Barça Lassa this season is eagerly awaiting his first VELUX EHF FINAL4, and believes the Spanish side could go all the way in Cologne Wed, 22 May 2019 13:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032721 22.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032721 Combined player and ball tracking technology premieres at VELUX EHF FINAL4 2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032718/Combined+player+and+ball+tracking+technology+premieres+at+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+2019 The 10th edition of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 in Cologne on 1/2 June 2019 will see the first ever use of player tracking technology at an EHF event. The development will offer fans, coaches and players more insights into the game than ever before Wed, 22 May 2019 10:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032718 22.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032718 All-star Team vote on popular app engages fans http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032717/All-star+Team+vote+on+popular+app+engages+fans NEWS: Since the relaunch of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 App on 24 April, the exclusive All-star Team vote has boosted fan engagement ahead of the 1/2 June event, with a special prize awaiting the 11,111th person to vote Tue, 21 May 2019 14:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032717 21.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032717 Skube: The VELUX EHF FINAL4 will be an unforgettable experience http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032713/Skube%3a+The+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+will+be+an+unforgettable+experience INTERVIEW: After arriving at Vardar ahead of this season, Slovenian centre back Stas Skube has become a key part of the team. Now, he looks forward to his debut on the VELUX EHF FINAL4 court Mon, 20 May 2019 14:54:05 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032713 20.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032713 Humble and hungry Moryto: I want more – the next win, the next trophy http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032688/Humble+and+hungry+Moryto%3a+I+want+more+%e2%80%93+the+next+win%2c+the+next+trophy INTERVIEW: The only Polish international playing for Kielce, Arkadiusz Moryto, is ready for his first VELUX EHF FINAL4. At just 21, the right wing has huge ambition – and he is not the only young gun in the yellow jersey ready to work hard to achieve big dreams Fri, 17 May 2019 11:25:18 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032688 17.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032688 German referees Geipel and Helbig to lead final in Cologne http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032671/German+referees+Geipel+and+Helbig+to+lead+final+in+Cologne NEWS: Lars Geipel and Marcus Helbig will be in charge of the gold-medal match at the 10th edition of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 next month Tue, 14 May 2019 15:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032671 14.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032671 Cindric and Kobetic voted EHF Players of the Month in April http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032612/Cindric+and+Kobetic+voted+EHF+Players+of+the+Month+in+April NEWS: With the various European Cup seasons approaching the business end, Kielce’s Luka Cindric and Siófok’s Andrea Kobetic took the awards for best players in April Thu, 09 May 2019 18:10:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032612 09.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032612 VELUX EHF FINAL4 media accreditation extended http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032607/VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+media+accreditation+extended Media representatives have until Monday, 13 May to apply for a place in Cologne Thu, 09 May 2019 12:02:43 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032607 09.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032607 New developments for the 10th VELUX EHF FINAL4 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032591/New+developments+for+the+10th+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4 NEWS: On the fringes of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 2019 draw in Cologne, the new developments for the celebratory 10th anniversary event have been presented Tue, 07 May 2019 14:35:35 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032591 07.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032591 Record winners against 2017 champions http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032589/Record+winners+against+2017+champions DRAW REVIEW: Semi-final pairings for the 10th edition of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 have been determined at the Palais Flora Tue, 07 May 2019 13:21:43 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032589 07.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032589 Sterbik aims for his fifth title at seventh VELUX EHF FINAL4 visit http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032588/Sterbik+aims+for+his+fifth+title+at+seventh+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+visit FACTS AND FIGURES: A total of 31 former winners are part of this season’s pinnacle event of European club handball in Cologne, topped by Veszprém’s goalkeeping legend Tue, 07 May 2019 11:05:37 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032588 07.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032588 Cologne welcomes VELUX EHF FINAL4 draw for the 10th time http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032578/Cologne+welcomes+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+draw+for+the+10th+time DRAW PREVIEW: The culmination of the club handball season is approaching and the handball world is ready to find out the semi-final pairings of the 10th anniversary edition of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 Mon, 06 May 2019 12:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032578 06.05.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032578 Pan-African Kwesé Free Sports to broadcast VELUX EHF Champions League Matches http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032519/Pan-African+Kwes%c3%a9+Free+Sports+to+broadcast+VELUX+EHF+Champions+League+Matches MEDIA RELEASE:VELUX EHF Champions League is reaching new territories as EHF Marketing GmbH closes a deal with Africa’s largest FTA Channel Kwesé Free Sports Wed, 24 Apr 2019 14:59:48 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032519 24.04.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032519 All-star Team vote starts on the relaunched VELUX EHF FINAL4 app http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032512/All-star+Team+vote+starts+on+the+relaunched+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+app NEWS REPORT: For the first time, fans can support their favourite players exclusively via the revamped app Wed, 24 Apr 2019 11:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032512 24.04.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032512 VELUX EHF FINAL4 App launches with exclusive All-star Team vote http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032511/VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+App+launches+with+exclusive+All-star+Team+vote MEDIA RELEASE: Redesigned VELUX EHF FINAL4 App is now available to download, featuring the All-star Team vote for the first time and raising fan engagement to new heights Wed, 24 Apr 2019 10:55:33 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032511 24.04.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032511 The Score to ignite the atmosphere at the VELUX EHF FINAL4 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032396/The+Score+to+ignite+the+atmosphere+at+the+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4 MEDIA RELEASE: The VELUX EHF FINAL4 will once again have a breathtaking show as US duo The Score will perform at the 10th edition of the highlight event of the handball season Thu, 04 Apr 2019 13:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032396 04.04.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032396 10 videos to celebrate 10 years of VELUX EHF FINAL4 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032340/10+videos+to+celebrate+10+years+of+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4 NEWS: The EHF Marketing will publish a series of highlight clips to mark the 10th anniversary of the final tournament of the VELUX EHF Champions League Wed, 27 Mar 2019 14:10:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032340 27.03.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032340 Playing times confirmed for VELUX EHF FINAL4 and DELO WOMEN’S EHF FINAL4 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032301/Playing+times+confirmed+for+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+and+DELO+WOMEN%e2%80%99S+EHF+FINAL4 NEWS: Matches in Cologne and Budapest on all playing days will throw off at 15:15 and 18:00 hrs local time Thu, 21 Mar 2019 09:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032301 21.03.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032301 LANXESS arena clear at the top again in 2018 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032292/LANXESS+arena+clear+at+the+top+again+in+2018 NEWS: Home of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 in Cologne was the most visited arena in Germany last year Tue, 19 Mar 2019 13:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032292 19.03.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032292 Media accreditation for three top club events of the season starts http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032275/Media+accreditation+for+three+top+club+events+of+the+season+starts NEWS REPORT: All media professionals can submit their accreditation requests for the VELUX EHF FINAL4, DELO WOMEN’S EHF FINAL4 and AKQUINET EHF Cup Finals. Tue, 12 Mar 2019 17:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032275 12.03.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032275 The VELUX EHF FINAL4 Opening Party – be there and get involved! http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032254/The+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+Opening+Party+%e2%80%93+be+there+and+get+involved! NEWS REPORT: German band Querbeat will be playing at the VELUX EHF FINAL4 2019 opening party, where fans will have the chance to become part of the pre-match entertainment at the season’s pinnacle event Thu, 07 Mar 2019 15:44:43 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032254 07.03.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032254 Last call for volunteers http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032048/Last+call+for+volunteers NEWS REPORT: Volunteers' registration for the VELUX EHF FINAL4 ends on Monday 11 February Thu, 07 Feb 2019 17:00:14 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032048 07.02.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032048 New EHF FINAL4 key visuals revealed http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032035/New+EHF+FINAL4+key+visuals+revealed NEWS: With both EHF Champions League competitions just a few months away from their apotheoses, EHF Marketing GmbH has revealed brand new key visuals for the EHF FINAL4 events in Budapest and Cologne Tue, 05 Feb 2019 15:58:33 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032035 05.02.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032035 Next stop: Back to Cologne http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032006/Next+stop%3a+Back+to+Cologne NEWS: Following a record-breaking Men’s World Championship in Germany and Denmark, all eyes are now back on the road to the VELUX EHF FINAL4 2019 in Cologne on 1/2 June Wed, 30 Jan 2019 17:53:59 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032006 30.01.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/032006 iBall wins ISPO ‘Product of the Year' Award http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031974/iBall+wins+ISPO+%e2%80%98Product+of+the+Year%27+Award MEDIA RELEASE: World's first intelligent handball developed by SELECT and KINEXON was recognised as the 'Product of the Year' in Team & Social Sport category of ISPO Award Wed, 23 Jan 2019 15:10:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031974 23.01.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031974 Enjoy a taste of VELUX EHF FINAL4 at the World Championship http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031957/Enjoy+a+taste+of+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+at+the+World+Championship NEWS: See the VELUX EHF Champions League trophy at the LANXESS arena on 19-23 January and be in with a chance to win tickets to the VELUX EHF FINAL4 Fri, 18 Jan 2019 18:52:28 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031957 18.01.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031957 Trophy for 10th VELUX EHF FINAL4 unveiled in Cologne http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031939/Trophy+for+10th+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+unveiled+in+Cologne The EHF and EHF Marketing GmbH are looking forward to return to Cologne for the jubilee edition of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 on 1/2 June 2019. The coveted trophy has already arrived in the German city Thu, 10 Jan 2019 13:00:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031939 10.01.2019 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031939 EHF FINAL4: Cologne confirmed as host through to 2024 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031837/EHF+FINAL4%3a+Cologne+confirmed+as+host+through+to+2024 New contract signed with the City of Cologne, LANXESS arena and North Rhine-Westphalia on 11 December 2018 sees European handball’s mega event remain in German city through to 2024 Tue, 11 Dec 2018 12:17:05 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031837 11.12.2018 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031837 One more day to bid for your dream weekend at the VELUX EHF FINAL4 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031823/One+more+day+to+bid+for+your+dream+weekend+at+the+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4 NEWS: The annual ‘Handball Hilft!’ charity auction in Germany is running until Sunday evening, offering handball fans the chance to purchase exclusive packages for the VELUX EHF FINAL4 2019 in Cologne Sat, 08 Dec 2018 12:50:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031823 08.12.2018 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031823 Treat yourself with tickets to the VELUX EHF FINAL4 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031802/Treat+yourself+with+tickets+to+the+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4 NEWS REPORT: The new batch of the tickets for the season's climax goes on sale on Wednesday Wed, 05 Dec 2018 11:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031802 05.12.2018 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031802 Bid for a dream weekend at the VELUX EHF FINAL4 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031711/Bid+for+a+dream+weekend+at+the+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4 NEWS: The annual ‘Handball Hilft!’ charity auction in Germany is offering fans the chance to purchase many handball-related items, including exclusive packages for the VELUX EHF FINAL4 2019 in Cologne Wed, 28 Nov 2018 16:10:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031711 28.11.2018 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031711 iBall story vies for SPORTEL Award http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031464/iBall+story+vies+for+SPORTEL+Award NEWS REPORT: The video on the joint project of EHF Marketing, Select and Kinexon has been nominated in the Innovation Prize category Mon, 22 Oct 2018 11:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031464 22.10.2018 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031464 Volunteer and become part of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 anniversary http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031448/Volunteer+and+become+part+of+the+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+anniversary NEWS REPORT: Experience the tenth edition of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 up close by applying for a volunteer Wed, 17 Oct 2018 11:12:25 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031448 17.10.2018 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031448 Tom’s Top Ten: Jerseys http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031404/Tom%e2%80%99s+Top+Ten%3a+Jerseys Tom's Top Ten: ehfTV commentator Tom Ó Brannagáin has a special focus on this season's 10th anniversary of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 as he recollects his memories from various points of view. Thu, 11 Oct 2018 13:10:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031404 11.10.2018 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031404 Official travel and ticket partners for VELUX EHF FINAL4 announced http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031268/Official+travel+and+ticket+partners+for+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4+announced NEWS: With over 8,000 tickets already sold, those unlucky enough not yet to have secured their place in the LANXESS arena in Cologne on 1-2 June 2019 get another chance now Tue, 18 Sep 2018 16:20:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031268 18.09.2018 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031268 LANXESS arena takes first place in global ranking http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031226/LANXESS+arena+takes+first+place+in+global+ranking NEWS REPORT: The home of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 in Cologne hosted more than 100 top-level events in the first half of 2018 Sat, 08 Sep 2018 10:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031226 08.09.2018 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031226 Secure your tickets for the 10th anniversary of the VELUX EHF FINAL4 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031221/Secure+your+tickets+for+the+10th+anniversary+of+the+VELUX+EHF+FINAL4 NEWS REPORT: Make sure you book your place at the big birthday party in June Fri, 07 Sep 2018 12:27:23 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031221 07.09.2018 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031221 World premiere of iBall inspires the future http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031008/World+premiere+of+iBall+inspires+the+future FEATURE: The maiden introduction of the data-tracking playing ball at the VELUX EHF FINAL4 marks another successful innovation on the handball courts. Wed, 04 Jul 2018 09:39:33 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031008 04.07.2018 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/031008