en European Handball Federation http://www.eurohandball.com Handball stories, news and interviews Tue, 04 Mar 2025 04:21:09 GMT Tue, 04 Mar 2025 04:21:09 GMT www.eurohandball.com Content Copyright by the European Handball Federation and EHF Marketing (c) 1994-2025 office@eurohandball.com European Handball Federation http://www.eurohandball.com 0 0 Dinart worried about Danish counter-attack http://www.eurohandball.com/article/014994/Dinart+worried+about+Danish+counter-attack French legend says key to Madrid victory is preventing mistakes and strong defending. Tue, 22 May 2012 09:17:53 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/014994 22.05.2012 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/014994 Atletico Madrid: Constant Commuters http://www.eurohandball.com/article/014280/Atletico+Madrid%3a+Constant+Commuters Atletico Madrid coach Talant Duishebajew is expecting a tough match at Füchse Berlin on Sunday. Thu, 20 Oct 2011 14:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/014280 20.10.2011 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/014280 From La Mancha to Madrid http://www.eurohandball.com/article/014160/From+La+Mancha+to+Madrid VELUX EHF Champions League countdown, part 11: BM Atletico Madrid Wed, 14 Sep 2011 09:45:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/014160 14.09.2011 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/014160 “No others defend like we do” http://www.eurohandball.com/article/013138/%e2%80%9cNo+others+defend+like+we+do%e2%80%9d Confident about defence, Ciudad Reals Didier Dinart wants it all at the EHF FINAL4. Sat, 15 May 2010 11:22:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/013138 15.05.2010 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/013138 Holding the success squad http://www.eurohandball.com/article/012973/Holding+the+success+squad Šterbik and Dinart extend their contracts with Ciudad Real. Wed, 17 Mar 2010 10:30:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/012973 17.03.2010 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/012973 Ciudad prepared for mammoth task http://www.eurohandball.com/article/012374/Ciudad+prepared+for+mammoth+task Dinart and Stefansson both count on the help of the Spanish fans. Fri, 29 May 2009 13:58:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/012374 29.05.2009 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/012374 Equal forces http://www.eurohandball.com/article/012295/Equal+forces The Spanish title holder Ciudad Real win in Hamburg by 30:29. Mon, 27 Apr 2009 09:21:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/012295 27.04.2009 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/012295 A fight for points and prestige http://www.eurohandball.com/article/012116/A+fight+for+points+and+prestige Exclusive interview with two coaches, Gislasson and Dujshebaev, before the match Kiel vs Ciudad. Fri, 20 Feb 2009 10:02:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/012116 20.02.2009 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/012116 Kiel vs Ciudad Real: the last battle for the trophy http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011466/Kiel+vs+Ciudad+Real%3a+the+last+battle+for+the+trophy Only 60 minutes – only one hour of playing time – and we will see who can lift the coveted Champions League trophy. Fri, 09 May 2008 16:08:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011466 09.05.2008 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011466 Experts' Column: Pastor and Brand on the final – part 2 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011460/Experts%27+Column%3a+Pastor+and+Brand+on+the+final+%e2%80%93+part+2 The highlight of the Men’s Champions League season is coming up with the clash of the winners of the last two CL editions, the Spanish and the German champions. Thu, 08 May 2008 14:05:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011460 08.05.2008 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011460 Ciudad win Spanish League http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011441/Ciudad+win+Spanish+League Ciudad won the Asobal title with a 29-24 victory over Barcelona, which is their fourth title of the season. Fri, 02 May 2008 09:23:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011441 02.05.2008 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011441 Ciudad win, decision in Hamburg http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011361/Ciudad+win%2c+decision+in+Hamburg The 34-27 Spanish victory is a big step, but HSV will have a chance at home to reach the final. Mon, 07 Apr 2008 11:34:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011361 07.04.2008 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011361 No chance for Velenje http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011273/No+chance+for+Velenje Ciudad Real took the two points easily by a six-goal victory over the Slovenians. Mon, 10 Mar 2008 13:06:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011273 10.03.2008 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011273 Ciudad Real remain unbeaten http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011163/Ciudad+Real+remain+unbeaten With the 27-24 victory, Ciudad Real stay on top of the group and remain chief candidates to reach the semi-finals. Mon, 18 Feb 2008 10:40:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011163 18.02.2008 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011163 Dujshebaev will not return http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011159/Dujshebaev+will+not+return The coach of Ciudad Real, former legendary player, will not get back to trainings after the injury of Chema Rodriguez. Dujshebaev trusts his team. Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:45:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011159 15.02.2008 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011159 Urios happy to avoid Kiel http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011007/Urios+happy+to+avoid+Kiel The Ciudad Real players feel lucky after the draw and tell us about their opponents. Thu, 29 Nov 2007 13:28:00 GMT http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011007 29.11.2007 http://www.eurohandball.com/article/011007