09.08.2007, 09:18
Relief for the Danish Talent

After the knee surgery of Mikkel Hansen, the situation seems to be less gloomy than before. The young player may be fit for the CL matches; he is not forced to stop for a long period.

Relief for the Danish Talent  

GOG Svendborg TGI’s greatest talent, the 19-year old left back, Mikkel Hansen seems to recover from his knee injury in time for the first Champions League group stage.

Hansen can be there with his team against Portland in the first roundEurohandball.com could report on Tuesday that Mikkel Hansen was expected to be sidelined for four months, which would mean that he would miss almost the entire autumn season in the Champions League as well as in the Danish league. After the surgery, however, the injury appeared to be less serious than assumed before.

Only seven weeks

This means that instead of missing four months, Mikkel Hansen must only take a seven-week break. This still means that he would miss the start of the Danish league in the first half of September, but now it seems probable that he will be ready for the first Champions League matches.

“I m really happy that I will probably be ready for our first Champions League match on 26 September when we meet Portland San Antonio in Pamplona,” Mikkel Hansen said.

The good news comes as a relief for his club as well. GOG said goodbye to eight players during the summer and signed only five new ones for the coming season.

TEXT: Peter Bruun

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