07.07.2009, 05:00
Slovenia victorious in Sweden

The national team of Slovenia takes the championship title at the third edition of the Men's 19 European Open in Gothenburg.

2009 Men's 19 European Open

The third edition of the Men’s 19 European Open took place from the 30th June – 4th July within the framework of the Partille Cup. A total of 88 matches were played in the well known Valhalla and Liseberg halls in Gothenburg, Sweden. This event showcased 21 European national teams and two guest teams from Qatar and Kuwait, pitting themselves against each other for a chance to win the European Open Trophy. The Partille Cup is the worlds largest youth handball tournament; in 2009, 920 teams played over 3000 matches. Below are the main details of the competition. For standings and results, click here.


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