28.11.2012, 03:52
Melić: Looking for new victory and knock-out stage

Montenegrin top scorer of the RK Gorenje Velenje Fahrudin Melić speaks to ehfCL.com ahead of the match in Chekhov against St. Peterbsurg.

Melić: Looking for new victory and knock-out stage

After two victories against Chambéry Savoie, Slovenian champions Gorenje Velenje tied Metalurg Skopje at the second place of Group C  table with eight points and four games before the end of VELUX EHF Champions League Group Phase they are close to a place in the Last 16. Right wing of Gorenje Velenje, Montenegrin national team player Fahrudin Melić, the team's top scorer and the third scorer of VELUX EHF Champions League, talked to ehfCL.com about the results so far in the group and about expectations for the rest of this competition.

ehfCL.com: In the last two matches you beat quite easily Chambéry Savoie. Did you expect such an easy job in both games?

Fahrudin Melić: Of course I didn’t expect an easy job, but we believed that we can gain all four points in two games, what eventually happened. In the first game it was easier, because we opened the match well and got the big advantage at the beginning. In the second one, at home, it was more difficult, but we also eventually dominated the game and deserved to celebrate the victory.

ehfCL.com: On Saturday, you play in Russia against HC St. Petersburg. What do you expect against a team who had won just two points so far (at home against Chambéry Savoie)?

Fahrudin Melić: After winning two consecutive games we expect another good and hard match, but I think we are better team than St. Petersburg and we have to show that on the field. We are looking for a new victory which would definitely lead us in the knock-out stage. We have our tactics that we have in all the games, to play a strong defense which allows us lot of easy goals.

ehfCL.com: Gorenje Velenje have won all games at home so far. After the World Championships in Spain, you have to play at home against HC Metalurg Skopje and Vive Targi Kielce? Can you keep 100 % record at home?

Fahrudin Melić: I hope we will win both games! We are going to play against teams who defeated us in away games and that would be additional motivation for us.

ehfCL.com: Against Chambéry Savoie you earned first away victory. Why you had less success away from home so far?

Fahrudin Melić: We are entering into every game with the intention to win, home or away. There is no difference where we play. We stick to our tactics that sometimes bring us to a victory, sometimes not. And it's not a shame to lose games against very good teams such as Metalurg and Kielce infront of their 5,000 to 7,000 fans.

ehfCL.com: How satisfied people in your club are so far with the performances in VELUX EHF Champions League and what are ambitions for the rest of season in this competition?

Fahrudin Melić: Our goal is to reach Last 16 in VELUX EHF Champions League. After that, with a good draw, we will try to surprise some other team. Everything will depend on us, and it will depend on the form after the World Championship in Spain, which will be very difficult.

ehfCL.com: What are your feelings about your personal performance, especially in the last four games, in which you had an average of 8.5 goals per game?

Fahrudin Melić: I am very pleased with both the team’s and my performances. I'm doing quite well on training and use every possible moment to rest and sports life, because the season is long and very exhausting, and so far it brings good results.

ehfCL.com: Currently, with 42 goals you share a third place on scorers list of VELUX EHF Champions League with Hans Lindberg from HSV Hamburg. Did you expect such shooting output and do you believe you can continue in that rhythm?

Fahrudin Melić: Neither before, nor this year I really bother with personal performances. It’s important the team plays well and wins. The result of that are the individual performances, in this case mine. I'm glad of my good games and I hope, if stay healthy, I'll continue also to play good in the future.

TEXT: Saša Jončić / br

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