01.06.2013, 09:01
Press conference statements THW Kiel vs. HSV Hamburg

Statements from the post-match press conference

Press conference statements THW Kiel vs. HSV Hamburg

Martin Schwalb (coach, HSV Hamburg):

"Obviously it was a match at a very high level, mostly when it came to the second wave and the goals we made out of our defence. I think that both defences had some problems.

39-33 is an unusual result for us.

Obviously we are very happy that we could keep up with THW Kiel and that we played a good offence over 60 minutes. Our defence has not been that good, we did some mistakes there.

But I am happy that we reached the final."

Hans Lindberg (player, HSV Hamburg):

"I am very satisfied. It is very hard to beat THW Kiel. The last time we managed to do that was in 2007.

Everything just worked out for us today. We practiced a lot and watched a lot of videos from THW.

We just had a good day."

Alfred Gislason (coach, THW Kiel):

"Obviously I am sad and disappointed that we did not make it to the final.

Congratulations to HSV. They have been the better team today and they deserve this victory.

Many things did not work today but we would have needed all of these things to win such a game. We had problems in defence and we lacked aggressiveness in both formations, 3-2-1 and 6-0.

Again congratulations to HSV."

Marcus Ahlm (player, THW Kiel):

"HSV deserved the victory. They have been the better team.

We missed too many chances and made to many mistakes.

I am disappointed that we did not reach the final but you have to play better to do that."

More photos from the press conference can be found here.


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