15.06.2018, 11:02
Key decisions and motions at the EHF Congress in Scotland

EHF CONGRESS 2018: In addition to the awarding of the Men’s and Women’s EHF EURO in 2022 and 2024, a number of motions have been submitted by the EHF and national federations for consideration by Congress

Key decisions and motions at the EHF Congress in Scotland

While the key focus of the EHF Congress in Glasgow on 19/20 June 2018 will be on the awarding of the Men’s and Women’s EHF EURO events (scheduled for the morning of Wednesday, 20 June), a number of motions will also be put before Congress for decisions.

The proposals, dealing with potential changes and amendments to the statutes, regulations and in some cases structure of the federation have been submitted by the EHF and the national federations themselves.

Ahead of the start of the event, eurohandball.com provides a short overview of all the motions to be decided:

1. Timing of the EHF Congress in the future

It is proposed that the EHF election congress will held in the spring of odd years rather than even years as is currently the case.

This revision has been mooted because the changeover in personnel shortly before one of the federation’s biggest events, the Women’s EHF EURO, can have an impact on the event’s organisation and nomination of officials.

Also a change in the treasurer shortly before the end of the financial year can be challenging for the new person entering the position. The new timing would also mean a better harmonisation with the timing of the IHF Congress.

If passed, the next election congress would take place in April 2021, with all elected members retaining their mandate for the additional months until new elections take place.

2. Treasurer position to be renamed ‘vice-president finances’

Given the changes to the functions of the treasurer role, with the daily financial business carried out by the chief finance officer at the EHF Office, it is proposed to rename the position ‘vice president finances’.

If passed, the position of ‘vice president’ would change to ‘first vice president’, which would also better reflect the requirement of the position to replace/substitute the president if necessary.

3. Additional person to join Competitions Commission responsible for women’s club competitions

The EHF has, in recent years, paid special attention to the development of the women’s game and gender equality. The further promotion of women’s handball is therefore a core aspect of several motions to be presented in Glasgow.

This proposal will allow for an additional member representing women’s club competitions to join the Competitions Commission, with the current position ‘club competitions’ then to be responsible for men’s competitions in the future.

This amendment would then ensures a fair and equal representation of both genders.

4. New structure: Nations Committees, Nations Board, Women’s Handball Board

The EHF proposes a number of changes to structure and bodies representing its various stakeholders.

If approved, there would be a change to the Women’s Handball Board, which would see it take on a similar remit to the Professional Handball Board.

A Nations Committee (Men) and a Nations Committee (Women) would be created, with a newly constituted Nations Board made up of representatives of both committees. The chair of the Nations Board would then sit on the Executive Committee.

The amendments are deemed necessary to ensure equal and fair representation and create a balanced and harmonised system involving men and women and for both male and female competition.

5. Change to age limit

The EHF Executive moves to amend the EHF statutes with regard to the age limit for elections. The proposed change would see an Executive Committee member cease to be a member at the end of the calendar year in which he or she becomes 70. An extension of up to four years can be agreed. A simply majority of members present at the Congress is required to agree such an extension.

This is in line with the Olympic Charter and the proposal was conceived on the basis of the findings of the working group ‘EHF Structure in the Future’. It would mean equal conditions for position holders, regardless of their date of birth.

This solution would also give more authority to the Congress to keep persons, who are beneficial to the organisation, for a longer period of time.

6. Special activities

In relation to the development of wheelchair handball, a change to the EHF statutes is proposed, which would allow for the awarding of competitions for persons with disabilities.

7. Non-profit partnerships

A small amendment to the statutes has been put forward to formalise the EHF’s participation in non-profit partnerships.

8. Administrative sanctions

The EHF proposes a change to the statutes to allow the EHF Executive Committee to amend the Catalogue of Administrative Sanctions.

9. Motion from Norwegian Handball Federation

A proposal that chairpersons should be nominated to moderate future congresses.

10. Proposal from Irish Olympic Handball Federation

The Irish federation proposes the creation of a protected disclosure advocate to ensure that disclosures by stakeholders are protected. It would mean the creation of an independent officer of the EHF Court of Handball to receive, review and investigate any disclosures.

11. Compensation delegation

A new body to decide compensation for future EHF presidents. Proposed by the EHF to ensure any decision are impartial.

12. Motion from Slovenian Handball Federation

The motion relates to refereeing, regulations and rules and proposes to establish ‘professionalisation in refereeing’; amendments to appeal proceedings relating to protests and proceedings with the IHF for better definition of passive play, offensive foul, initial throw and game interruption.

13. Motion from Swedish Handball Federation

Advertising on player clothing from the Swedish Handball Federation, a motion seeking clarification and the implementation of changes to the EHF’s regulations relating to advertising on clothing.

Awarding of events

Scheduled from Wednesday, 20 June at 9:00 hrs, the Congress will continue with the awarding of events including the Men’s and the Women’s EHF EURO events in 2022 and 2024 as well as the next Congress, with Luxembourg being the only applicant. Note that the awarding process could be delayed depending on the completion of previous Congress business. 

Media access

Any media representatives wanting to cover the event in Glasgow in person must send a request for an accreditation in advance of the Congress to the EHF Media and Communications Department by email media@eurohandball.com. Access will be granted for the opening of the Congress and the EHF EURO 2022/24 presentations, voting and awarding.

Further information

In the run-up to the Congress, eurohandball.com will be publishing further information on the Congress including details of motions and will also look at the various bids for the Men’s and Women’s EHF EURO 2022/24.

The EHF media team will also be reporting live from Glasgow. Follow the EHF Twitter channel and use the hashtag #ehfglasgow2018. Full reports will also be published on eurohandball.com.

TEXT: EHF / jjr / ts

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