16.07.2018, 12:50
Referee teaching material for younger age category event now online

NEWS: New teaching material now available to watch via an online video platform for Europe’s referees and national federations

Referee teaching material for the summer’s younger age category event now online

The EHF’s Technical Refereeing Committee (TRC) has compiled the guidelines for refereeing at the Men’s 20 and Men’s 18 tournaments being played this summer.  

A selection of 34 video clips taken from the VELUX EHF Champions League offers referees and national federations a valuable resource.

The focus of the guidelines is on six key areas: 7m penalty decisions, progressive punishment, offensive fouls, special situations, goal area and wing play.

Comments and inputs from the EHF's referee experts have been added to each clip to help understand what the correct decision in each case should be.

The guidelines can be accessed via a specially prepared video platform. A user guide is available.

Each clip shows a single punishable action in real time as well as in slow motion. The platform offers the possibility to halt the clip by hitting 'space' and then to continue it frame by frame, using the arrow keys. Pressing 'space' again continues the clip at normal speed. The clips can also be downloaded for teaching purposes.

It must be understood that all video scenes are shown for educational reasons -- bad decisions or actions should not be regarded as a personal criticism of any person appearing.

TEXT: EHF / ts

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