02.10.2018, 02:50 Györ dominate coaches' all-star team
FEATURE: The title holders from Hungary have got the most positions, but Rostov occupy both wings in the best team of the Women's EHF Champions League 2018/19, according to the coaches |
Györ dominate coaches’ all-star team
It has become a tradition in the last three seasons: ehfCL.com asks the coaches of all 16 teams participating in the group matches of the Women’s EHF Champions League to nominate their strongest line-up.
A total of 14 coaches have revealed us their personal favourites ahead of the new season, which starts this upcoming weekend. All coaches could nominate one player per position and one arena with the best atmosphere, but name three coaching colleagues - hence the number of votes is higher here.
Györ are even more dominant than last season
In the coaches’ all-star team, defending champions Györi Audi ETO KC are even more dominant than last season. Eduarda Amorim and Amandine Leynaud top the overall ranking with seven votes each, and the voting for coaches and arenas was even clearer: former Györ and new Rostov-Don coach Ambros Martin received 13 votes, while the Audi Arena Györ is still regarded as the temple of women’s handball with 12 votes.
Györ and Rostov share the top spot on all seven player positions. Györ even have the top-two spots for two positions, with Amandine Leynaud and Kari Grimsbø seen as the strongest goalkeepers, and Stine Oftedal and Nycke Groot leading on the centre back position.
Two positions remain undecided: Nora Mørk (Györ) and Anna Vyakhireva (Rostov) are both voted the best right backs by the coaches, while Yvette Broch (Györ) and Dragana Cvijic (new at CSM Bucuresti) share the honours for the best line player.
Two players from last season's all-star team have been picked again
Mørk and Broch are the only players from the coaches’ all-star team for 2017/18 who have been picked again this season. Broch is taking an indefinite break from handball, though the Dutch player is still listed on Györ’s Champions League squad.
The current Wold Player of the Year, Cristina Neagu, was top of the rankings in previous seasons but has lost the No. 1 spot for the left back position to Amorim.
The wing positions seem to be Rostov’s best weapon, as the coaches votes Russian internationals and Olympic champions on each side of the court: Iuliia Managarova on the right and Polina Kuznetsova on the left.
With some new clubs and faces in the Women’s EHF Champions League this season, mainly from Denmark, some new names have made it onto the list, including coaches Jan Pytlick (Odense) and Claus Mogensen (Kobenhavn).

Coaches’ all-star team of the Women’s EHF Champions League 2018/19:
7 votes: Amandine Leynaud (Györ)
4 votes: Kari Grimsbø (Györ)
1 vote: Katrine Lunde (Kristiansand), Blanka Biro (FTC), Jelena Grubisic (CSM Bucuresti)
2017/18 winner: Kari Grimsbø
Left wing:
4 votes: Polina Kuznetsova (Rostov)
3 votes: Anita Görbicz (Györ)
2 votes: Thea Mørk (Kobenhavn), Manon Houette (Metz)
1 vote: Majda Mehmedovic (CSM Bucuresti), Nadine Schatzl (FTC)
2017/18 winner: Majda Mehmedovic
Left back:
7 votes: Eduarda Amorim (Györ)
6 votes: Cristina Neagu (CSM Bucuresti)
2017/18 winner: Cristina Neagu
Centre back:
7 votes: Stine Oftedal (Györ)
5 votes: Nycke Groot (Györ)
1 vote: Isabelle Gulldén (Brest), Iveta Luzumova (THC), Daria Dmitrieva (Rostov)
2017/18 winner: Nycke Groot
Right back:
5 votes: Nora Mørk (Györ) and Anna Vyakhireva (Rostov)
3 votes: Ana Gros (Brest)
1 vote: Nerea Pena (FTC)
2017/18 winner: Nora Mørk
Right wing:
6 votes: Iuliia Managarova (Rostov)
5 votes: Jovanka Radicevic (CSM Bucuresti)
1 vote: Amanda Kurtovic (CSM Bucuresti), Iulia Curea (CSM Bucuresti)
2017/18 winner: Jovanka Radicevic
Line player:
4 votes each: Yvette Broch (Györ), Dragana Cvijic (CSM Bucuresti)
3 votes: Kari Bratsett (Györ)
2 votes: Tatjana Brnovic (Buducnost)
1 vote: Katrine Heindahl (Odense)
2017/18 winner: Yvette Broch
13 votes: Ambros Martin (Rostov)
8 votes: Dragan Adzic (Buducnost)
3 votes: Magnus Johannson (Bucharest), Emmanuel Mayonnade (Metz)
2 votes: Jan Pytlick (Odense), Claus Mogensen (Kobenhavn), Herbert Müller (THC), Ole Gjekstad (Larvik), Gabor Elek (FTC)
2017/18 winner: Ambros Martin
12 votes: Audi Arena Györ
2 votes: Palais Omnisports Les Arenes Metz
1 vote: Dabas OBO Arena (FTC) and SC Moraca (Buducnost)
2017/18 winner: Audi Arena Györ
TEXT: Björn Pazen / ew