07.10.2018, 06:54
Zagreb test Skjern’s invincibility in deadlocked game

GROUP B REVIEW: A game with eight lead changes could not be decided in the end, as Skjern and Zagreb shared the spoils

Zagreb test Skjern’s invincibility in deadlocked game

Skjern’s incredible home run was definitely tested by Zagreb, but the Danish side managed to come away unscathed, as the two sides shared the points, 31:31.

The Danish side could have consolidated the third place in the group, but are now only one point ahead Flensburg, while Zagreb are fifth in the group, with three points.

  • Thomas Mogesen and Anders Eggert were Skjern’s best scorers, with six goals each
  • Senjamin Buric scored seven times for Zagreb
  • Skjern’s home record will be tested next week against unbeaten PSG

Skjern Handbold (DEN) vs HC PPD Zagreb (CRO) 31:31 (14:14)

With only one loss in the last 13 home games, Skjern were heavy favourites against Zagreb, trying to bounce back after their first European defeat of the season against Nantes last week.

But it was far from a walk in the park, at least in the first half, when Skjern’s offensive efficiency was heavily tested against a resilient Croatian defence.

Four lead changes happened over the first 20 minutes, with the two sides trading goals, as back Thomas Mogesen for Skjern and right wing Zlatko Horvat for Zagreb proved hard to stop.

Skjern extended their lead to two goals for the first time in the 26th minute, but an excellent ending of the first half for Senjamin Buric saw the game enter a deadlock at half-time.

It was a 3:0 run to start the second half for Zagreb that looked to set the trend, but Skjern’s home form was again superb.

An 8:3 run spurred by experienced wing Anders Eggert saw Skjern turn the game on its head, as the Danish side took a 24:22 lead.

Ultimately, it was Zagreb who had the last laugh. The Croatian side was strong enough to take back the lead, after the eighth lead change of the game, but Kasper Sondergaard scored the last goal of the game with 25 seconds to spare, to earn a point for Skjern.

Skjern back Thomas Mogensen said his team found playing Zagreb hard.

"They played seven against six most of the game, and that made it difficult for us," Mogensen said. "We knew, before we started, that they are very good at it, as we have seen them do it a lot of times before, but even so, they still made it difficult for us today."

Fellow back Tandri Már Konradsson, who had his fingers on the last ball from Zagreb in their last attack, added: “We are satisfied with a draw today. It is hard to say how the rest of the games in our group will turn out, but in the end, this one point could turn out to be very important for us.”

TEXT: Adrian Costeiu/jh

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