02.04.2019, 12:00
47 federations gather in Copenhagen for Secretaries General Conference

Leading staff from 47 national federations will meet at the 11th edition of the EHF Secretaries General Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark

47 federations gather in Copenhagen for Secretaries General Conference

From 3 to 5 April Danish capital Copenhagen will host the 11th edition of Secretaries General Conference.

60 participants from 47 national federations will take part in the three-day long conference, where they will have the opportunity to discuss a wide range of topics but also learn more about the future of the EHF competitions and be a part of the Women’s EHF EURO 2020 Qualifiers Draw.

The programme includes competition-related topics like new calendar, digital match report, professional players’ database and evaluation of the YAC events and structure in the future.

On day two the participants will learn more about women’s handball, grassroots concepts, the future of the Women’s EHF EURO 2024 with 24 teams, and listen to a presentation about women in sport.

The conference will finish with the draw for the Women’s EHF EURO 2020 Qualifiers and the Qualifiers workshop.

Where to follow the draw?

The draw for the Women’s EHF EURO 2020 Qualifiers will be held on 4 April 2019 at 18:00 hrs at the Scandic Copenhagen Hotel.

Live broadcast of the draw will be available on EHF EURO Facebook and YouTube as well as on the official website www.ehf-euro.com and @EHFEURO Twitter channel.


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