12.05.2019, 02:30
Rocasa claim trophy again despite home defeat

FINAL REVIEW: The Women’s Challenge Cup trophy goes to Spain again, as Gran Canaria could afford to lose the return leg against SPR Pogon Szczecin after their clear away win last week

Rocasa claim trophy again despite home defeat

SPR Pogon Szczecin won the match, but Rocasa Gran Canaria won the Women’s Challenge Cup 2018/19 title.

The Spanish side had won the first leg in Poland 30:23 last week, so losing Sunday’s second leg at home 24:23 did not affect their title quest.

It’s the second Challenge Cup trophy for Rocasa after also winning in 2016.


Rocasa Gran Canaria (ESP) vs SPR Pogon Szczecin (POL) 23:24 (15:12)
Rocasa win 53:47 on aggregate

In their third Challenge Cup final, Rocasa won their second trophy, after their first win in 2016.

Having lost the final against MKS Perla Lublin last year, Rocasa this time defeated another Polish side.

Rocasa left no doubt about their intentions as they went 2:0, 6:3 and 8:4 up despite an aggressive Polish defence. A fine performance in goal by Silvia Navarron goal helped the home team to move from 8:6 to 12:6.

Even though Szczecin reduced the gap before half-time, there was still no doubt about the final outcome.

Instead, Szczecin focused on at least winning the second leg, and they actually succeeded. They levelled at 22:22 with just over seven minutes left, and went 24:23 up for the first time in the match.

It was enough to win the match, but obviously not to win the title.

TEXT: Peter Bruun / ew

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