14.06.2019, 11:00
Colégio de Gaia take double in Portugal

STORY OF THE SEASON - PORTUGAL: They lost their national title to Madeira last season but Colégio de Gaia are back on the throne of the 1ª Divisão de Andebol Feminino

Colégio de Gaia take double in Portugal

Colégio de Gaia have won almost everything that could be won in Portugal this season. The national championship and the cup were conquered, although main challengers Madeira SAD snatched the Super Cup.

Key players of the successful team were Joana Resende, a very talented youngster who scored 25 goals in the three play-off games, smart centre back Patrícia Lima and strong line player Helena Soares.

Colégio de Gaia topped the table after the regular competition. They lost to Madeira in February but held on to their one-point lead over the defending champions to go into the play-offs as the top-seeded team.

Both rivals met again in the best-of-five final, which was already decided after the third match. The team from Vila Nova de Gaia won the first two encounters 30:28 and 30:19 and rounded off their victory with a 29:25 win in Madeira.

It was the club’s third national title, after 1990/91 and 2016/17.

TEXT: Tiago Nogueira / ew

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