24.06.2019, 03:36
EHF President takes part in European Week of Sport Ambassadors’ meeting

NEWS: EHF President Michael Wiederer took part in the #BeActive European Week of Sport Ambassadors’ meeting in Brussels on 18-19 June

EHF President takes part in European Week of Sport Ambassadors’ meeting

For the fifth consecutive year, the European Handball Federation will play its part in the #BeActive European Week of Sport, taking place from 23 to 30 September 2019. The European Week of Sport is an initiative of the European Commission designed to promote sport and physical activity across the continent.

The Belgium capital, Brussels, hosted the European Week of Sport Ambassadors’ meeting on 18-19 June. The EHF was invited to give a presentation about handball’s participation in the project. In 2018, the “European Open Week of Handball” saw 18 nations organising or participating in events during the week.

The EWOS Ambassadors’ meeting was opened by European Union Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, Tibor Navracsics, who said he is very proud that the European Week of Sport has become so successful, with 10s of thousands of events and millions of participants all over Europe – and beyond.

The meeting highlighted the importance of the project ambassadors, and also provided a detailed explanation on the potential ambassadors’ profiles and their role in the project. Ambassadors are usually well-known former or current sportspeople who can help raise awareness about the importance of engaging in sport and physical activity.

The EHF has once again called on national federations to express interest in hosting events as part of the “European Open Week of Handball,” as the week relies on handball-related activities from the 50 EHF member federations on a national, regional and local level.

The EHF wants to involve as many handball players, children, parents and teachers as possible in handball-related activities with the help of the EHF member federations, their clubs and national coordinators.


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