05.07.2019, 10:49
English commentary on ehfTV for semi-finals and finals of Beach Handball EURO 2019

NEWS: The livestream experience for fans at home gets even better as ehfTV.com is providing live commentary in English for the final weekend of the championships in Poland

English commentary on ehfTV for (semi-)finals of Beach Handball EURO 2019

The Beach Handball EURO 2019 in Poland is heading into its hottest phase with the quarter-finals in both the men’s and the women’s events coming up later Friday.

Many fans at home are following the tournament through EHF’s own OTT platform ehfTV.com, which has been providing livestreams of all matches on all four courts in Stare Jablonki from Day 1.

Fans will enjoy ehfTV’s coverage of this weekend’s decisive matches even more as the livestreams of the four semi-finals, the two bronze-medal matches as well as both finals will come with live commentary in English by ehfTV commentator Chris O’Reilly.

Schedule of matches on ehfTV.com with English commentary (local times):

Saturday, 6 July:
- 11:00 hrs: first women’s semi-final
- 12:00 hrs: first men’s semi-final
- 13:00 hrs: second women’s semi-final
- 14:00 hrs: second men’s semi-final

Sunday, 7 July:
- 14:00 hrs: women’s bronze-medal match
- 15:00 hrs: men’s bronze-medal match
- 16:00 hrs: women’s final
- 17:00 hrs: men’s final

The semi-finalists in the men’s event and the women's event will be confirmed in the quarter-finals on Friday afternoon, with the women throwing off at 16:00 hrs and the men starting at 17:00 hrs.

Photos: Uros Hocevar / kolektiff / EHF

TEXT: EHF / ew

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