09.10.2019, 12:41
EHF Style Guide now available online

The EHF Media and Communications Department announces refreshed English language style guide

EHF Style Guide now available online

The EHF Media and Communications Department has finalised the English language style guide for the coverage of handball and to support anyone who is writing about the sport..

The guide, which you can download and read here, is intended as a reference for all those working for or with the EHF, with the aim of creating a common line for the spelling and usage of English words and terminology across all of the federation’s communications – including reports, letters and emails, official publications, TV graphics and social media.

The EHF Style Guide, which forms an integral part of the federation’s brand and corporate identity, will continue to evolve to reflect changes within the sport and the federation.

As always, any questions or suggestions are welcomed. To do so, simply get in touch with a member of the EHF Media & Communications team by emailing styleguide@eurohandball.com.


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