06.06.2020, 11:00
Which EHF EURO photo speaks loudest to you?

VOTE: Have your say in deciding the best EHF EURO photo in a knockout series of votes over the next week

Which EHF EURO photo speaks loudest to you? 

“A picture is worth a thousand words,” so the saying goes. Every EHF EURO brings great thrills and emotions – and all of it is captured in photographs that instantly take us back to those great moments. 

Over the course of the exciting EHF EURO events we have seen, many scenes have been captured. Now we want to know, which is the best EHF EURO photo from among our collection? 

Over the coming week, handball fans can have their say in deciding the best EURO photo through a knockout series of polls. 

We begin with round 1, over two days from Saturday June 6 at 11:00 CET to Monday June 8 at 13:00 CET. Round 2 and the ‘semi-finals’ will follow, up until June 10, and the ‘final’ voting will take place from June 10 to June 12. 

In round 1, fans can choose between a total of 16 photos. Get started below! 



The full schedule for voting for the best EHF EURO photo:
Round 1: June 6, 11:00 CET-June 8, 13:00 CET
Round 2: June 8 CET, 13:01-June 9, 13:30 CET
Semi-final: June 9 CET, 13:31-June 10, 14:00 CET
Final: June 10, 14:01 CET-June 11, 14:30 CET

TEXT: Courtney Gahan / br

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